Burnout: How It Affected Me & My 7-Step Reset Plan
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Burnout SUCKS.

It hit me pretty hard last year, and I thought some readers might appreciate hearing how it affected me, and how I eventually got out of my rut and back to normal. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts, so leave a comment.

Around the middle of last year, right after tying up a couple of big projects I noticed I was in a rut. I didn’t have my normal motivation or energy levels, and getting stuff done was a real challenge.

Living in Argentina, it was winter time, which meant shorter days and less sunlight.

For the first time ever, I just really struggled to get going, I struggled to find energy…

What I Was Feeling

  • I normally run like a well oiled machine, but I had lack of motivation
  • Everything was a bit of a grind
  • No will power to tackle tougher jobs

SIDENOTE: My thoughts on will power…

  • I believe that everyone has the same amount of will power
  • It’s like a gas tank.. starts full, and as you tackle tasks, it gets depleted
  • It recharges while you’re asleep
  • People who seem to have more will power simply have better habits,
    routines and structures… they’re ‘fitter’ (work/business fitness)

But in my rut, even at the start of the day, I just had no will power.

Signs You’re Burned Out

1. Feeling depleted after work, during work, or when you wake up. You’re wiped out, you don’t have the energy you normally have, or the ‘get up and go’ motivation you need.

2. Inconsistent Sleep / Sleeplessness. You wake regularly at night, or struggle to fall asleep. When you wake in the morning, you’re wiped out, it’s a battle to get out of bed.

3. Feeling liberated after work on a Friday. You feel relieved the work week is behind you!

4. Being cranky. A bad mood follows you around almost constantly.

5. Rarely feeling like you’re progressing. You feel like you’re just not making headway, no matter how hard you try.

6. Being cynical. You start seeing the glass as half empty, lots of ‘negative’ things start to happen… your mindset is all messed up. You’re complaining more than normal.

7. Constantly feeling overwhelmed. You feel like you’ve got Everest ahead of you, don’t know where to begin, LOADS you need to get done.

8. Constantly feeling low on energy, or drained, without any signs of higher production.

9. Dreading the work day ahead.

10. Procrastinating to avoid what you know needs to be done.

The flip-side of being ‘burned out’ is having an energized brain… feeling full of energy, and highly motivated.

Energized Brain vs. Depleted Brain

You want to be highly engaged, and energized… but sometimes you’ll become exhausted, it’s inevitable.

You can’t be at your best with depleted brain energy.

You brain burns 20% of your energy reserves each day… far more than any other organ in your body.

When your brain energy is depleted, you lose access to executive function of your brain. Your brain will keep processing all the automated stuff, like eating, drinking, surviving, etc, but you’ll lose ‘executive function’.

What An ‘Energized Brain’ Does:

  • Focuses your attention
  • Regulates emotions
  • Notices connections
  • Predicts outcomes
  • Makes smart decisions

What A ‘Depleted Brain’ Does:

  • Distracts your attention
  • Reacts impulsively
  • Loses the thread
  • Can’t see downstream implications of actions/decisions
  • Make unwise decisions

When you’re showing signs of a depleted brain on an ongoing basis, you’re burned out.

  • It’s not a result of simply working too hard (it can be the case, but is still a major misconception)
  • Unbalance – burnout results when the balance of deadlines, demands, working hours, and other stressors outstrips rewards, recognition, and relaxation.
  • Sometimes there’s a chemical imbalance, for example, a lack of serotonin, which has been linked to depression… if you feel you’ve got more than just ‘regular burnout’, you should see a Doctor.

So how do you ‘fix’ burnout?

I’ll share how I did it in just a moment, and give you some ideas for things you can try, but first lets dive into a little bit of the science behind all this.

If the science bores you, skip forward to my 7 recommendations!

There are two key chemicals players…

#1. Dopamine.

Dopamine releases motivation, creativity, goal orientation.

If you’re unmotivated and you go and talk to a therapist, the first thing they’ll look at it is your dopamine level.

How to boost dopamine levels?

  • Nicotine
  • Caffeine
  • Sugar-laden, fat-filled treats

These are all very effective at increasing dopamine levels…it’s true!

However, these things that provide a quick boost end up disrupting the natural dopamine production process resulting in decreased dopamine production in the long-term.

What are safe, healthy, natural ways to boost your dopamine levels?

Eat foods rich in tyrosine. In order to make dopamine, your body needs tyrosine which can be found in almonds, bananas, avocados, eggs, beans, fish, and chicken… generally speaking, in foods high in protein.

Exercise regularly. In general, physical exercise is one of the best things you can do for your brain. It increases the production of new brain cells, slows down brain cell aging, can increase your levels of dopamine.

Learn to meditate. The overall health benefits of meditation have been demonstrated through hundreds of research studies. Many of those have shown that meditation increases dopamine leading to improved focus and concentration.

Get a massage. It has long been suggested that one way to keep dopamine levels high is to avoid stress, which is nearly impossible in this day and age. To counter the effects of stress, research has demonstrated that massage therapy increases dopamine levels by nearly 30% while decreasing cortisol (a stress hormone) levels.

Sleep. To ensure that your brain increases dopamine naturally, you’ll want to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep. This includes setting aside time before bed away from the computer or TV screen. Lack of sleep has been shown to reduce concentrations of neurotransmitters, including dopamine, and their receptors.

Listen to music. It is no surprise that listening to music can increase pleasurable feelings, improve mood, boost energy, and help with focus and concentration. Research has demonstrated that much of this is achieved due to an increase in dopamine levels.

Get enough sunlight. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a condition in which people feel sad or depressed during the winter season when they are not exposed to enough sunlight.

It’s well known that periods of low sunshine exposure can lead to reduced levels of mood-boosting neurotransmitters, including dopamine, and that sunlight exposure can increase them.

Consider Supplements. Your body requires several vitamins and minerals to create dopamine. These include iron, niacin, folate and vitamin B6 (57, 58, 59).

If your body is deficient in one or more of these nutrients, you may have trouble making enough dopamine to meet your body’s needs

#2. Serotonin

Serotonin is sometimes known as “the happy chemical”.

It gets released in a number of ways, one of which is when you make progress, achieve something, when you feel valued and respected… it’s that feeling of invincibility, and it leads to a feeling of self belief, confidence, self efficacy.

But a lack of serotonin is linked to depression, and on a much milder level, a feeling of being burned out.

Serotonin is thought to be a mood stabilizer and also produce healthy sleeping patterns.

What are safe, healthy, natural ways to boost your serotonin levels?

One of the key players here is the amino acid tryptophan. Serotonin is synthesized from tryptophan, so most of the foods we’re about to discuss are proven to help with the development of tryptophan.

Serotonin isn’t found in foods, but tryptophan is. Foods high in protein, iron, riboflavin, and vitamin B-6 all tend to contain large amounts of this amino acid. While high-tryptophan foods won’t boost serotonin on their own, there’s one possible cheat to this system: carbs.

Carbs cause the body to release more insulin, which promotes amino acid absorption and leaves tryptophan in the blood. If you mix high-tryptophan foods with carbs, you might get a serotonin boost.

The tryptophan you find in food has to compete with other amino acids to be absorbed into the brain, so it’s unlikely to have much of an effect on your serotonin levels. This differs from tryptophan supplements, which contain purified tryptophan and do have an effect on serotonin levels.

While they can’t compete with supplements — which you should not be taking without approval from your doctor — the foods we’re about to quickly run through contain high amounts of tryptophan.

Your best chance at achieving a serotonin boost without using supplements is to eat them often, with a serving of healthy carbohydrates, like rice, oatmeal, or whole-grain bread.

Eggs. The protein in eggs can significantly boost your blood plasma levels of tryptophan, according to recent research

Cheese. Cheese is another great source of tryptophan


Tofu. Soy products are rich sources of tryptophan. You can substitute tofu for pretty much any protein, in pretty much any recipe, making it an excellent source of tryptophan for vegetarians and vegans.

Salmon. It’s hard to go wrong with salmon, which — as you may have guessed — is also rich in tryptophan

Nuts and Seeds. All nuts and seeds contain tryptophan.

Turkey. Turkey is essentially stuffed tryptophan.

Supplements. The most effective solution, but seek advice from your doctor first.

So that’s Burnout Chemistry 101, I’m NOT an expert here… but I have done a fair bit of my own research into this kind of thing over the years, especially when I was going through my major burnout in 2018.

How To Hit Reset & Get Your Mojo Back

This is by no means a scientific approach, but it worked for me…

First I made a list of everything I had hanging over my head, waiting to be done. This gave me an immediate sense of relief.

Next I shared how I was feeling with Steve (business partner), asked for sanity check of what I was working on (was I working on the most important things?)

Then I created a high-level to do list, so my day-to-day work didn’t require too much thinking about what to do next.

I switched up a few things in my work routine, starting with often working from a café instead of my office… I found this motivating, getting out, seeing people, and being in another place.

Finally I got some downtime. Took the pressure off myself, and tried to just relax.

A staple diet of good Argentine wine seemed to help along the way!

What I’d Recommend You Do…

First, speak to someone, and if you think it’s serious enough, seek medical help.

Aside from that, I would recommend that you:

1. Don’t drink too much wine…

2. List your “Pending’s”, then start to delegate

  • Make a list of EVERYTHING you’ve got pending, both work related and non-work tasks
  • Delegate as many of the tasks as possible (the aim is to clear your plate!)

3. Talk to someone

  • Tell your spouse or business partner how you feel so they can help (or at least understand why you’re in a rut). A problem shared is a problem halved.

4. Take Care Of Yourself

A) Body

a. Diet – pay attention to what you eat and drink. Drink more water.

b. Exercise – Force yourself to get out and do some kind of exercise, even a long walk will help.
i. Stimulates the brain
ii. Strong correlation with reduced stress
iii. Aim for a minimum of 20 minutes or moderate exercise, 3x per week

c. Rest – Make sure you’re getting enough sleep
i. Lack of sleep can trigger all kinds of problems
ii. Research suggests losing one hour of sleep per night for a week causes cognitive degeneration equivalent to 0.1 BAC, which is greater than the legal limit to drive (which is 0.08)

B) Mind

For me the ‘BODY’ stuff above help get my mindset back in place. Other people may find meditation useful, or doing something that excites them.

5. Go And Do Something You Enjoy

  • Take a ‘Disconnect Day’. Have a day off, go and watch a movie, hike a mountain, walk on the beach…
  • Personal Note: Consider not telling anyone you’re taking a disconnect day, you might find it works better.

6. Disconnect & Take Breaks

  • Turn off your phone for a while, don’t check your emails (your world won’t collapse!)
  • Make a conscious effort to take a break regularly (until you’re feeling like yourself again)

7. Get A Change Of Scenery

  • Could be as simple as working from a café instead of your office, or a full blown holiday… I went to Miami!! ☺
  • The idea is to disrupt your normal routine, to shock your system a little bit.

It all comes down to BALANCE.

I think balance is the key.

After realizing what was happening to me, that I was burned out, and making a conscious effort to relieve the pressure somewhat by working on the seven recommendations above, I quickly bounced back to my normal self and got my mojo back.

Have you experienced burnout? What did you find worked best to get through it? Leave a comment below!

Until next month,


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40 Comments so far:

  1. Chrisjean Tiberti says:

    I so admire you for recognizing this condition, taking the necessary steps to turn it around and then having the courage to share it with all of us. I know you have helped me and that I am not alone. I so appreciate you, Aiden. Thank you.

  2. Mariano says:

    I know the feeling very well Aidan, thanks for sharing your tips. For me the issue (I think) is that I’m working 50 hours/week in my day job, and I just get exhausted, it’s frustrating. I’m not giving up though!

    • Aidan says:

      Yup.. working 50 hours/week, and trying to do a bunch of other things as well will quickly throw any chance of getting balance out the window!

  3. Craig says:

    Thanks for sharing your story! It still amazes me how you’re able to run your business, travel, and everything else you do.. keep up the good work, don’t burnout! LOL

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Craig, you know, looking back, it surprises me that I didn’t run myself into the ground sooner.. I feel better for having felt burned out, know the symptoms, and now have a gameplan for next time I’m feeling that way.

  4. Paul says:

    Wow Aiden, great article! I have been suffering burnout for years. There are so many things I know I can do to increase my income, but I’ve found myself so unmotivated due to the burnout. My progress and life in general is stagnant. Everything you have described is exactly how I feel. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this information together; what to do/what worked for you. Everything you said makes perfect sense, and it has shed a direct light on what needs to be done to help pull out of this rut. It’s also comforting to know that I’m not alone in these feelings, and that it’s okay; it can happen to the best of us. Thanks so much again for sharing your story. I know it will help me immensely!

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Paul, I hear you man.. it’s not easy. Glad you found this useful… I think talking to other people have having supportive people around you who support what you’re trying to achieve is a big help. Hang in there!

  5. Alexis says:

    Interesting to hear about the science behind it all. i’ve read a good book about stress management, check it out here: https://www.amazon.com/Why-Zebras-Dont-Ulcers-Third/dp/0805073698/

  6. Virginia Reeves says:

    Aidan – hopefully those of us not in burnout mode will take all these tips and techniques to heart to avoid reaching that situation. Practicing these suggestions will keep anyone healthier and happier. Glad you got back on track.

  7. Heather Caterson says:

    So good & just what I needed this morning. Thank you for sharing this! Adding avocados, eggs & bananas to my grocery list & going for a nice long walk before diving back into PPL work 🙂 Have a lovely one.

    • Aidan says:

      I’m so excited you’re with us through the PPL journey Heather… YES to avocados, eggs and Bananas!!

  8. Carmen Strating says:

    Great article. I like the fact that you mention food, good healthy food and supplements and also exercise to increase serotonin and have more energy.
    An exercise that’s really good is rebounding in a mini trampoline also called a rebounder.

  9. Marlene says:

    I am all of the above. The worst is the last one ..procrastinating. I start with good intentions and excitement but it soon dwindles. I have lost money I cannot afford to loose, missed opportunities and in some cases just couldn’t be bothered.
    I haven’t always been like this so it’s really hard to see myself breaking down like this. I know better but I don’t do better.
    Thank you for sharing your story.

  10. Gaurav Guru says:

    These are some really good tips and telltale signs.
    Feeling energized reading this blog post!

  11. Lance says:

    I joined Parallel Profits on 29 January. Opportunities do not time themselves when you are ready…when your life can accept a major change.

    So my start has been slow–as time, focus, stamina, and attitude align themselves to my benefit.

    My Onboarding start began two months ago. It is finally emerging from the shadows and to be completed soon.

    Meanwhile, PPL processes are being polished and refined. It is probably better that I am not a first-echelon pioneer.

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Lance, we’re coming up to some VERY exciting times with Parallel Profits and PPL, can’t wait to hear how things develop for you.

  12. Neil says:

    Thank you, Aidan – for taking the time to share what we can all relate to in these frenetic times. We all wear many hats of responsibility, day job, franchisee, husband, father, etc. It is increasingly hard to find the “Balance” you refer to because time is so valuable and yet so elusive.
    My rational mind knows everything you talked about is true but, actualizing these steps when life gets in the way takes constant almost super-human strength. Cheers

    • Aidan says:

      Totally agree with you Neil.. I think we sometimes all need to deliberately do LESS to achieve balance.

  13. Johnno says:

    Hi Aidan and to all that have read his Post, being a “low [slow] flyer” Rarely have I commented on these sort of posts or any for that matter however – THANKS Aidan, and thanks to Paul too for his input which really says it all not only for me but lots of others too !
    A big Thanks to everyone for their comments !

  14. Katherine Jacobs says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. It helps to know I’m not the only one. Thanks for the suggestions too!

  15. QUINN PEREZ says:

    Thank you Aidan for the information. That is the problem of getting into a rut and not knowing where to turn to get out. I’m trying to earn money to pay my bills from an Insurance agency by doing some marketing and calling on small business for them. I’m trying to understand Pinpoint Local and learn how I can move forward with this business and fad out the Insurance business. I’m also trying to build a networking business with my wife too.
    What I need is coaching/mentorship from someone who can help me focus on day to day tasks.
    I will take these suggestion to see if I can take action in a big way.

    • Aidan says:

      I hear you Quinn.. not much I can really say regarding the coaching/mentoring, but try to stay focused with your projects, that always helps me get better work done.

  16. joaquin n baita says:

    Love this post! Always providing solutions!
    Thanks for sharing

  17. Robert says:

    For many years my job was to startup and/or get businesses into the profit mode. I first recognized my burn out in the early 90’s. most of it was caused by excessive business cold calls, both phone and in person, and trying too hard to please corporate to be a super achiever.
    Every trip I won to a tropical paradise was fun but it was ruined by the thought of having to return to my high-pressure job. Changing jobs didn’t cure my burnout so even without the income to retire I had to leave the corporate world in 2004. It really helped to get away, it was like a breath of fresh air.
    Still today I have a lttle of that baggage. Your content in this article made a lot of sense and I will use your techniques that I’m sure will help. I have also found that exercise helps all this area including procrastination. Thank you Aidan!

    • Aidan says:

      That life is a grind.. it’s like you’re running on a treadmill, and every time you get back on it’s going even faster.. not sustainable!! Glad this resonated with you Robert, and thanks for sharing your story.

  18. Bill says:

    Thanks Aidan and everyone who commented. I recognise myself in most of this too. I think I’ll have a day off!

  19. Great points Aidan,
    Unfortunately, workaholism is worn like a badge of honour. Monty Python’s four Yorkshiremen have nothing on the folks I work with.

    I stopped participating in such silly games years ago, and stop when my body says it needs food, a walk or sleep. I have worked long extra hours for a milestone delivery, knowing that I can then stop and recover. When I didn’t stop as needed, I’d get a migraine and be out for 2 days.

    • Aidan says:

      “workaholism is worn like a badge of honour”, this is so true… unfortunately (I’m all for working hard, and working long hours, but you still need to balance that out somehow).

  20. Shafeek Kalamadeen says:

    Because of my love for reading, I ended up here to read this post. Just finished reading “eSCAPE” by Anik Signal. What a great book!

    I myself have experience burnouts more so because of being a single parent father of three little kids over the past 8 years in NYC and the daily juggle of life and work. Nevertheless, I continue to challenge my self to become successful every day. Your article on burnouts really shed lights on key areas.

    I really admire you, Aidan, for your great deal of internet knowledge and insights. Your journey to where you are today in life is a great motivation. You became an Icon for many of us. I have doubled and tripled burnouts but I am going to be triple successful as well.

    Thank you for great content, Aidan! Hope one day I will meet you in person.

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