Case Study: How I Built A 1000-Strong Fanbase In 5 Days...
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Case Study: How I Built 1,000 Fans In Under 5 Days


Hi, and welcome to the ‘1st of the month’ update to for September 2015!

If this is your first time here, thanks for visiting! Before you do anything else, make sure you click the button below to get my Passive Income Cheatsheet:


The cheatsheet reveals my 4 PROVEN passive income strategies, and how you can get started with each one.

Now, on to what this blog post today is all about…

Case Study: 1,000 Fans in 5 Days

Today I’m giving you a complete “over the shoulder” case study revealing how I built a 1,000-strong fan base in under 5 days using Facebook (in a niche I know NOTHING about).

On top of this, as a bonus, I’ve also created a PDF guide that details 3 simple ways to leverage your new audience to build a lucrative income stream. You can click here to get the PDF.

Remember… this experiment took LESS than 5 days, and it’s something you could EASILY replicate.

This Is 100% FREE… (But Worth THOUSANDS)!

Just like everything I release on, the information I’m giving you today is 100% free.

Be careful though…

That doesn’t mean it’s not incredibly valuable… in fact, I know people who would sell what I’m giving you today for hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars.

I urge you to watch all 4 of the case study videos shown below, to download the monetization guide, and then take action!

The 3 monetization plans are simple, yet incredibly effective.

Day 0: Let’s Get Started

This video explains:

  • The challenge I’ve set myself
  • The chosen niche (which I know NOTHING about)
  • How to build and optimize a Facebook page in 2 minutes
  • How to find great content to share with your audience
  • How to build a a rock-solid foundation of content
  • How to create a set of highly effective Facebook ads
  • What countries to run ads to
  • How to choose the right audience to advertise to (and the 7 audiences I’m targeting)
  • Where to get images for your ads
  • How to set up split tests for your ads
  • My campaign budget (and what I recommend you to do)

Check out the video below:

24 Hours: Update #1

This video updates you on progress after 12 hours and also after 24 hours. You’ll see:

  • The cost I’m paying for each fan (Like)
  • The most expensive interest I’m targeting
  • The cheapest interest I’m targeting
  • How to look different results for each ad variation
  • How the cost per like dropped by 15% in 10 hours
  • How to duplicate ads for greater exposure and faster results
  • The winning ads so far

Check it all out below:

72 Hours: Update #2

After 3 days, we’re now at 661 Likes

  • How the ‘Nikon’ audience cost dropped by 84.6% since the campaign began
  • Turning off the most expensive ads
  • An update on the duplicate ads set up in Update #1

Here’s the video:

4 Days & 2 Hours: Final Update

After 4 days and 2 hours, we’re now at 1,061 Likes!

This video shares:

  • The exact amount I spent to generate my audience
  • The trend line showing cost optimization each day
  • How the most EXPENSIVE interest on Day 1 ended up being the cheapest (and exactly what I paid)
  • Males vs Females… which gender is more expensive? See the actual data!
  • Price per country… which country is the cheapest and which is the most expensive?
  • The ad placement data… where Facebook displayed the ads, and how each location performed.
  • How I got 6.1% of my fans without paying a dime…
  • Facebook Page Insights, and an up-close look at the audience I built
  • What percentage of my audience are women vs men
  • Where is my audience located (this might surprise you!)
  • Post engagement statistics

Check it all out in this video:

Before you go, make sure you access the bonus material below…

Download The Monetization Guide!

Congratulations, you now know how to build a hyper-targeted audience in just a few days.

It all means nothing if you don’t know how to monetize it though!

Click the button below to get instant free access the detailed monetization plan:


Click Here To Access The PDF

The PDF covers 3 SIMPLE ways to turn a new Facebook audience into a lucrative money making machine.

IMPORTANT: There is NOTHING to buy. Just click the button above, add your email, and I’ll send you the PDF immediately 🙂

What Do You Think?

I’d LOVE to hear your feedback! Leave a comment below, and if you’ve got any question, let me know. All comments get published, and I read them all!

Thanks for reading,

Until next time!


P.S. If we’re not already connected on Facebook, head over to my Facebook page and click the ‘Like’ button.

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If so, then click the “GET STARTED” button below. I’ll send you my SEVEN Passive Income Blueprints' and more great content (100% FREE, no strings attached).

84 Comments so far:

  1. Jaime says:

    I’m looking forward to working through all of this Aidan, looks great!

  2. Gábor says:

    Aidan, Does FB audience insight available outside the USA?

  3. Gábor says:

    Nice Case Study!

    I’ve just read the monetaziton plan which is also great.

    Do you think you can combine number 1 and 3? So one some one buys your Kindle book you can offer the a your product (ie with a discount) or when someone buys your product you can offer them your Kindle book?

    • Aidan says:

      Absolutely 🙂 There’s really no limit to what you can do with the monetization, the key is to start with something basic that will work, then tweak and optimize from there on. I’m glad you like it Gábor!

  4. Karl says:

    Hi Aidan,
    very nice post, thank you.
    Can I use this within 100k Factory?

  5. CJ says:

    Just finished watching all four videos and I have to say, very good job. Very clear, I am going to do this myself! Was nice to see the daily updates, makes everything seem so much more achievable. Your last 24 hours finished with a bang!

  6. steve says:

    Hey Aiden-

    Great content! I’ve purchased some of your products in the past always great stuff! Will the 100k factory be opening again soon? I want to come onboard. I have a great site that I want to start crushing it with. Also- what are some of the results form the 100k system? Are people killing it? 😉

    Thx Man.
    Steve W.

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Steve, glad you found this useful!! We don’t have plans to re-open 100k Factory… it was always intended to be a ‘one-time-only’ type of thing. Some people are doing very well, the #1 earner from the 100k Factory group did $125,000 revenue in July 🙂

  7. John says:

    Very nice breakdown. I am looking forward to the PDF on monetization as that has been one of my questions, what do we do with our fans….

    • Aidan says:

      The PDF will be delivered instantly once you put in your email John, worst case scenario, there is sometimes a 10 minute delay 🙂

  8. Thanks, Aidan. Great information as always. Hope all is well with you and that you’re keeping cool in BA.

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Alan, thank you 🙂 All good in Buenos Aires, 25C (about 80F) yesterday, so it’s warming up nicely! Heading to London next week… we’ll see what that brings!

  9. Frances Kennedy says:

    I learned a lot and will try to utilize this knowledge with 100k and any other facebook type stuff. Thanks a lot. Very helpful for and old learner.

  10. Oleg says:

    Hi Aidan,

    thanks a lot for very good content! I have a question about affiliate sales on fb page: how do you put affiliate products on your fb page where you have built the audience? How to present it in a facebook post to catch the attention of audience? And where do You mean to write a product review, in a fb post? Will it look good in a post, not too big and not aesthetically? Thanks!

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Oleg, what I’d do is create a website that you can do a product review of an affiliate product on, and then I’d link to that on Facebook 🙂 You can link directly with an affiliate link to a product, but it may come across as spammy to your audience if you don’t do it carefully.

      • Oleg says:

        Thanks for quick reply, Aidan! But review website only for one product? And as who (another website or the same name as the facebook page where one wants to promote?)? Or review website where reviews for various products in that niche are posted? But then it looks as trustless too…
        Hope we get this into detail in affiliate module by 100k, because I still don’t have clear how it works with review site…
        Thanks a lot, Aidan!

        • Aidan says:

          Hey Oleg, the review website would ideally have more than just one review. For you, since you’re a 100k Factory member, I would simply add the review to your 100k Factory website, that’s the ideal place to add it. Check the webinar we had last night, we spoke more about this, and YES, we’ll have a lot more detail in the affiliate module – it’ll all fall in to place for you 🙂

  11. tom says:

    Thanks very much for putting all of this information together. Greatly appreciated!…I’m with 100K Factory and I have been having a lot of trouble gaining likes. Watching the videos has shown me where I have gone wrong so far. I think by going back and implementing what you have shared will be very valuable.

    Would it be right to use this information on a site I have that’s been dormant for a while. It’s a WP site with mainly articles. It is also hosted in a similar manner as 100K Factory so I’m not paying GoDaddy,for example, anything.

    Take care,

    Take care

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Tom, you’re welcome! Likes should be easy to come by, just do exactly as I’ve shown in these videos. And yes, you can absolutely use this method to reinvigorate any old website really, as long as the content is still relevant and useful. Best of luck!

  12. Todd says:

    Very interesting. The image optimisation and new advert creation is very interesting. Thanks for sharing this it’s given me some great ideas for future ads and a better insight into the optimisation of ad images.

    I also never knew about the native stock images on Facebook ads!

  13. Ohidul Haque Milon says:

    Hi AIDAN great explanation , i’m new in your blog and really love your content ,ready to tragetting the Facebook for my site too after watching your videos.Can you please make a new one only about facebook PPC .

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Ohidul, thanks for the feedback, and welcome to my blog! When you say Facebook PPC, you’re meaning paid ads that send visitors to external websites? If so, sure, maybe I’ll do something about that in the coming months!

  14. Michael says:

    I was wondering why does FB charge more for showing a particular image (Ad) considering that everything else is actually the same? Any idea… For example I noticed that when u created a new Ad set with you best performing image FB charged you more per reach even though everything else was the same.. And I even noticed this happening with some of my ads in the same ad group… it puzzles me why FB is doing so.

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Michael, initially the duplicated ads (with the best performing images) were paying more, but after about 48 hours they were at a very similar level to the original ad. Facebook always seems to need some time (24 – 48 hours, sometimes more), to fully optimize the ad to a point where you’re paying the ‘real’ low rate. I know it doesn’t make much sense, but it’s just what Facebook does. Hope this makes sense 🙂

  15. Rob Cole says:

    Great information as always. You are right that you could easily charge for this information.

  16. Hi Aidan,
    thanks again, this time for going in more detail with the Facebook like campaigns, it comes really handy as we are starting with one new 100k site and one that we left behind.

    I guess we got lucky with the site that is going great now. It’s been 45 days as I was doing one like campaign for it that was the cheapest and decided to accelerate it putting 4000 pesos daily budget (crazy!) and forgot to turn it off and overnight we bought 2200 likes! And for that reason we went and put all the efforts on it and we are in profit in just 45 days overall the spending on Facebook!

    Also the list building is amazing, I’ve been trying to do it for several month via solo ads but they are very expensive, it is almost 2 dollars per subscriber! The 100k sites are all-in-one internet marketing lethal weapons!

    Saludos y muchas gracias!


    • Aidan says:

      Great stuff Andres (on the webinar last night you told me you’re doing $50/day profit now right?)!!! The hard work you’re doing will pay off for a LOOOONG time, just make sure you keep adding quality to your site and your Facebook page. If you’re ever in Buenos Aires, let me know 🙂

  17. Bryant B says:


    Man thank you very much for this FREE mini course on how to get FB Likes. I was just going to go search a course on how to do this as I am selling physical products on Amazon and my own Shopify store and need more sales. I like how you simply broke down what you were doing and going after. Started the Like Campaign this morning and waiting to see how it goes.

    Question: Are you planning on doing a FB/Shopify course anytime soon? This would be killer.

    Thanks again man

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Bryant, thanks for the feedback!!!! We did a course all about selling physical products last year, and it has a Shopify module with 21 videos. We don’t plan on re-opening it though… I’ll add it to the blog post list, maybe I can do something about it on this website in one of the upcoming months.

      • Bryant B says:

        Hey Aidan yes I did enroll in that course and did go through the 21 modules on the Shopify setup but it didn’t teach how to market using Shopify, that’s why I asked. Doing great selling my own physical products by the way, allowing me to be able to move full time to Hawaii. Thanks for everything.

  18. Yes Aidan it is 46 dollars/day profit for the last 7 days (considering how crazy the dollar is here in Argentina).
    We really like the niches we chose so we always try to give as much value as we possibly can.
    I will let you know when I am in Buenos Aires, I think it will be around mid november this year.

    Thank you!


  19. Gary Wittmuss says:

    Hey Aidan,

    Great content as always, must say you put together a super PDF Case Study on getting 1000 likes in 5 days. I have reviewed all the videos and PDF several times, this is my next project to get one of my Facebook Fan pages off the ground.

    This is just not theory but a truly workable plan.

    Coo-dos Great report and information.

    Well done


  20. Les says:

    As a 100K’er this post is really interesting and has enabled me to document a good system for setting up and optimising FB Ads. Thanks.

  21. Joe says:

    Hi Aidan,

    Thanks for the amazing content.
    In video 1 you mention a tool that helps you find amazing content, can you please share a bit more about the tool?

    Thank Again

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Joe, the tool is part of our 100k Factory program, it’s not something open to the general public unfortunately…

  22. Angela says:

    Awesome material! Thank you for sharing this step by step process along with your results. I will definitely use this!

  23. Tracey says:

    Awesome post and videos, Aidan. It took me sooo much longer to get my first 1000 likes after watching the 100K Factory webinar… but now I know how I SHOULD have done it so I certainly intend to implement that with my next 3 pages. Thank you so much!

  24. Rik says:

    Hi Aidan, thank you for this valuable post. Would you recommend to always create a blog post about what ever you are offering, to funnel the traffic to that post first and then link to whatever your offer is (your own or affiliate or physical product or offer on Amazon)? It seems like good practice to do it this way for everything, right? And that way the post can easily be linked to the facebook page also. Please let me know if you think this is a good practice.



    • Aidan says:

      Hi Rik, yes, I would recommend doing that. You’ll always getting better response when you presell someone on something, as opposed to sending them direct to an affiliate offer.

  25. Joanne says:

    Thanks Aidan for the great video series. So pleased the videos were there to be re-watched!! I’m almost at day 3 with my FB campaign and I currently have reached 579 likes! Looking forward to further emails from you!

  26. Edwin says:

    Thanks Aidan for sharing this step by step process along with your results. I got 1,034 Likes in only 4 days!

    I am in the 100K Factory program and took me some time to get the first 1,000 likes. Now I will apply same strategy to the other 3 pages to increase Likes as well!

    ¡Muchas Gracias!


  27. Edwin says:

    Hi Aidan, Can I use same strategy to boost a post instead of likes?



  28. John says:

    Hi Aidan. Really like the posts. I cannot find the place on the FB create ads page , where you went and found Audience Insights , which really seems key to find more specific audience targets. I have set up several like campaigns but cannot get costs below 25c per like, and even then they fade out and go up. I know my target audiences are too big for the niche I am working in. But in the Create Ads page, I can’t find the Audience Insights tool. Please help. tx John

  29. Benji says:

    Hello Aidan! Thanks for the detailed videos.
    One thing I am not sure I completely understand yet – How do these 1,000 page likes help you to promote your product sells on Amazon? I mean, it cool to have 1,000 likes and searchable brand name over the net, but how do you practically use this to sell better on amazon? Do you post discount offers for your product on the fan page? is that the idea?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Benji, having 1000 fans isn’t specifically limited to helping sell Amazon products, but obviously it can. You can send traffic to your listing from your FB page, run coupon deals and giveaways to your audience etc

  30. Neta says:

    Hey Aidan, some background – my mother and I started with Steve and Tim in 2009, but my mother has passed away since (my business are still all online but evolved) and suddenly today I thought of them and that’s how I found your website! In any case, thanks for the videos, I do ads very similarly but never for Likes with this model, so this was interesting. My question is the same as the previous guy (Benji) – can you elaborate more on how to translate the Likes into sales (specifically the Kindle model)? What kind of promotions do you do once the book is ready and how? Do you do more ads or boosted posts? It is unclear from your PDF, and of course I would love to understand this better so any information is greatly appreciated. By the way, I have family in Buenos Aires – what a beautiful city! Muchisimas gracias!

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Neta, thanks for the comment and for filling me in on how you found the blog etc, 2009 seems like a LOOONG time ago now!

      Regarding your question, a “Liker” is a bit like an email subscriber. It’s someone you can easily reach out to over and over and over again, but instead of through email, you’re using Facebook. When someone Likes you’re page, they’re in your sphere on influence, so you can give them content, ads, or whatever you want.

      For a Kindle book, you could run ads SPECIFICALLY to people who like your page… they’d be cheap, and very targeted. You can also get Likers to become email subscribers (get them to optin for something), and that opens up a whole new world of selling possibilities.

      With an eBook, what I’d do, is publish it on Amazon, set it up with a promo (either free, or discount), and then intensively run ads to your book (send direct from FB to your Amazon page). For this kind of thing, I wouldn’t use a boosted post, I’d use an ad. If you want to send traffic to your website, then a boosted post is a great option.

      It’s really hard to get into detailed tactics in these comments, but I can look at doing some training on this in the future 🙂

      In any case, hope this helps a little at least!

      p.s. – yes, Buenos Aires is a beautiful city, especially in the Spring (which is starting now!!)

      • Neta says:

        Thanks Aiden! Really appreciate the feedback/answers. My main business has close to 34K likes so of course I know many ways to leverage that 🙂 but I was interested in your spin and the specific tactics you would use for a kindle book for example. Thanks so much again, I will follow your stuff now and look forward to learning some new things all the time! Hasta pronto, Neta

  31. Terri Babers says:

    Thank you so much for this Aiden! I do have a few questions:

    I am working with people I call Multi-Passionistas… other coaches/trainers call them Scanners and Multi-postentialites, or Sparklers (amazingly she has the largest fb following at her LiveYourLifeYourWay page. You’ve heard the terms “generalist” and “polymath”

    The questions revolve around “interest groups.” My challenge is that by definition a Multi-Passionista has “too many passions and interests to pick just one.” they are engineers w a law practice who teach yoga and have a sustainable garden in which they give painting lessons (seriously!).

    Since their interests are all over the place, how to I target interests? Should I target my ads to some of the fb pages/groups that are seem similar?

    If I target engineers, painters, poets, lawyers, doctors, novelists, coaches, equine writers, photographers and fish biologists … it will be all over the place!

    next question, does this work in local markets as well? I run a local networking group for women who are entrepenuers and would like to grow the page

    BTW this is sooooo useful dispite my challenge with this one arena! thank you very much!

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Terri, you just need to target one interest at a time… me for example, some of my interests are Property Investment, Travelling, Entrepreneurship, Rugby (to name a few), so I could be targeted by marketers in a number of ways, and all would work just fine.

      You need to work out the interest that most of your people would have in common. If you don’t know it, you can just guess.

      This ABSOLUTELY works in local markets, you just need to get a bit broader with the targeting, since narrowing down to a location will exclude huge amounts of people.

      Hope this helps!!!

  32. John says:

    Does it also depend on your niche?

    I’ve been running facebook ads doing split tests similar to the way you’ve been showing, but my price per like has been 0.45 – $1.00 no matter what specific audiences I’ve been targeting. I’ve been thinking its the images or the audience or something… but even if I have a campaign start at 0.20, it ends up being in that same bracket after a week or 2 of letting it run.

    Is it because of my main niche (like photography is the macro niche for you)?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi John, it is somewhat niche dependent, however $0.45 or more is too much… If I knew what your niche was I could give you more advice…

      • John says:

        It is Electronic Dance Music (EDM)

      • John says:

        It’s EDM (electronic dance music).
        I’ve been doing a good number of split tests and it’s a younger crowd, gender is pretty even. I’ve tried different interests within the interest itself (like an artist).

        Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you for the feedback 🙂

        • Aidan says:

          Try JUST using mobile traffic. For this kind of thing you’re going to get much better results with JUST mobile. Also, it’s vital that your image appeals to the people in your niche, so make sure you know your audience.

  33. Rene says:

    Any ideas how to use your strategy with the new rules for collecting facebook fans?

    – Last week I did a run with your strategy and get 1000 likes in the muscle training niche for 70 dollar. Thanks!
    – Facebook rolled out some new rules on facebook fanpage likes this week and it looks they have big impact on collecting fans.
    Did you experience differences?

    – I did get likes with a reach of 4 people for way over 1 USD per like. in this case we optimized for page likes. Just like before
    – Next day we optimized for 1000 impressions, that runs better, around 20-30 cents, still way to expensive to that niche.
    – Today running with the max bid where facebook recommend between 0.07-0.15 cents. Hope that will work.

    Any ideas how to use your strategy with the new rules for collecting facebook fans?

    Thanks again for your structured approach.

  34. Eldon says:

    Aidan, I went through the 100K Factory course and built four sites. I did not have the results hoped for, and am thinking perhaps my niche selection was weak. The Google ads on the blog pages never really optimized well after many thousands of page hits. SO, I do believe in the method and am considering just starting back at the beginning with one new niche blog and building it out. Are there people in the Blueprint Pro forum/program who have had success with 100K sites that I could connect with? Need the encouragement. Thanks!

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Eldon, I would ABSOLUTELY recommend you give it another try, many members of 100k Factory have seen phenomenal results, so I think maybe you just had some bad luck!

      • Eldon says:

        Thanks Aidan. Can you recommend a course for continuing education on the concepts taught in 100K Factory? In particular, Facebook ads and marketing and the methods taught in 100K? Would like something with a support group where users learn and interact with each other.

        • Aidan says:

          Hi Eldon, I don’t really know of a course to recommend you… we may have something in the new year that helps you though, finalizing some details now.

  35. Sam Clarke says:

    Am getting errors downloading the 1000 Fans Monetization Guide?

    • Aidan says:

      I just tested it 5 seconds ago Sam, and it worked fine for me. The email did land in my ‘Promotions’ tab though… but the download worked just fine. Maybe try using the Chrome browser…

  36. Sam Clarke says:

    Thanks Aidan, I was using Chrome but tried Firefox and it worked 😉

    May be my network.

    Cheers Sam

  37. Timothy Conner says:

    Not receiving the guide Aidan. Checked spam and not there either. No email from you.

  38. NikoBuzz says:

    As the time goes, more and more people are creating pages and the competition is increasing. So now when you have 1000 like, average reach of your articles would be around 50 people(I think 2-4 years ago it was much bigger). So this sample is quit low in order to decide boosting the post. Does this make you a problem? do u have some solutions?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Niko, well… no-one is stopping you from using this strategy to create a page with 10,000 fans… the method is the same 🙂

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