7 Top-Secret Amazon Product Research Tactics
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7 Top-Secret Amazon Product Research Tactics


Hi, and WELCOME to the 1st April 2015 blog post on AidanBooth.com!

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7 Top-Secret Amazon Product Research Tactics!

Today’s content is about the 7 top-secret product research methods we use for finding lucrative and PROVEN high selling products on Amazon.com. In the video further down this page you’ll discover the EXACT method we use.

NOTE: The video presentation further down this page has ONLY ever been seen by our exclusive Blueprint Academy group. Today is the FIRST time in 15 months that we’ve ever shared anything from this unique mastermind program. This training presentation was filmed in Las Vegas in February 2015, it is EXTREMELY fresh and relevant to anyone doing anything on Amazon.com.

EXPERIMENT DATA: 2,834 visitors at just $0.03…


Imagine if you could tap into HYPER-TARGETED traffic and drive it to your website, Kindle book, Amazon page, eCommerce site, or anywhere else at a rate of $0.03 or LESS

Can you imagine what this could do to your business?

Can you imagine how fast you could see results?

It’s INCREDIBLE… and for about 6 months now we’ve been running experiments that are doing this EXACT thing.

How Lucrative Is This?

The short answer is VERY.

Let’s break down this math to see just how profitable this could be…

  • We know that 1,000 highly targeted visitors can be bought for $30
  • From 1,000 website visitors you can:
    • Make 10 affiliate sale at $30 each, worth $300 (profit of $270)
    • Sell 20 eCommerce products on a dropship site for a profit of $400+
    • Sell 40 or more White Label products for profits of $600+
    • Generate 100 email subscribers, at a cost of $0.30 per subscriber
    • And MUCH more…

The power here is absolutely incredible.

We’re still running more tests in a wide range of niches, but expect to have more information for you about this soon!

One last exciting update, then on to today’s content…

*NEW* Crowd Force Modules

If you’re a Crowd Force user (Blueprint Pro members have access), then you’ll be VERY excited about the BRAND new Crowd Force modules:


HubPages, Pinterest and Tumblr are all high-density pockets of targeted traffic, and are now ALL working with Crowd Force. I’m personally using these three new modules now as we’re in the final few days of testing.

Expect these to appear in your Crowd Force dashboard within the next week!!!

NOTE: We’ve ALREADY began work on additional traffic modules and other exciting changes! 

Now on to today’s update…

7 Secret Amazon Research Strategies

Here are the 7 tactics we use to uncover lucrative Amazon niches:

Got a question about this?

Leave it in the comment section below and I’ll answer it.

In addition to the video above, you can ALSO download the step-by-step slide pack showing the key numbers to look for and overviewing each of the 7 tactics:

Thanks for visiting, leave a comment below to let me know what you think!


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If so, then click the “GET STARTED” button below. I’ll send you my SEVEN Passive Income Blueprints' and more great content (100% FREE, no strings attached).

20 Comments so far:

  1. Claire says:

    Great food for thought! Thanks for this, very useful!

  2. Zach says:

    I’m not sure how you manage to pump this content out each month Aidan, but I’ve become an avid fan! I’m not currently doing white label products, but can see how this could potentially apply to what I’m doing with Kindle 🙂

    • Aidan says:

      Asolutely Zach, some of these methods are very applicable to other methods, and even can be used with Affiliate marketing (especially #7)!!

  3. Janet says:

    Great news about Crowd Force! My VA will need to learn how to use the new modules, do you expect to have training videos for them? The experiment sounds interesting, I’m intrigued to find out more about this once you have more info.

  4. Johan says:

    Is there any way to get access to Amazon Opportunity finding software? Have you tried using Crowd Force for things like kindle, or only for affiliate sites?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Johan, the Amazon Opportunity finder software is only for eFormula Evolution members unfortunately! The other methods should be more than enough to get you started though 🙂 Regarding Crowd Force, YES! you can use this for ANY kind of website/webpage that needs traffic. So things like eCom stores, Amazon pages (both for Kindle and White Label) and affiliate sites as well. Thanks for commenting!

  5. Ralph says:

    Hi Aidan Great Video Alot of good tips Looking forward for tips on your traffic source to


  6. MC says:

    I finally made time to watch the video – really good explanations. Do you think you’ll be selling the tools individually at some point? I can see the value in them and since I’m kind of stuck with my research i think they would be quite helpful to me.

    • Aidan says:

      Hi MC, we don’t have plans to release the tools outside of our Blueprint Pro membership program. If you’re stuck with research, I strongly recommend you just keep on trying, maybe take a couple of days rest then come back to it… sometimes it’s possible to get ‘research block’ (like writers block’) when the ideas are just not coming. There are thousands of viable products out there 🙂

  7. Carel van den Boogaart says:

    Is Amazon Opportunity Finder for sale?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Carel, it’s only been made available with a couple of our programs, it’s not a stand-alone tool that people can buy…

  8. Carel van den Boogaart says:

    How to get access to discover niches?



  9. Lisa James says:

    Thanks, Aidan! Great information.

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