Elance Case Study - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
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Elance Case Study – The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Hi, and welcome to the 24th monthly update to AidanBooth.com!

If this is your first time here, WELCOME!

Since the 1st of April 2012, I’ve been adding a new blog post to AidanBooth.com on the 1st of every month, the idea is to share internet marketing insights along with interesting and useful experiences I’ve had online over the past 8-9 years.

I don’t “pitch” anything on AidanBooth.com, it’s all about the content, so read on, and let me know what you think by leaving a comment at the end.

LITTLE REQUEST: Make sure you let me know what you think about my idea for the NEXT blog post (details at the bottom of this page)…now’s your chance to have your say!

Disclaimer: There are no ‘April Fools’ pranks in this post 🙂

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Before we get into the today’s case study, I thought you might be interested to hear an update from my personal life…

Today, April 1st, my wife and I are packing up our bags and moving to Paris!

In fact, we leave today at about 5pm! First stop is Milan, we’ll have a few days there, then continue on to Paris.

We’ve lived together in Buenos Aires (my wife is from Buenos Aires) for 7 years, and we’ve been here without moving away for 2 years now. We’re getting itchy feet…so as of today, Paris will be our new home.

The idea is to live in Paris for 5-6 months, then head south (when winter starts) to somewhere else for a few months…maybe to Barcelona or somewhere else in Spain, or perhaps to Italy.

This is what internet marketing ALL about for me.

As it says in my header image on this website:

Lifestyle, financial freedom and flexibility.

That’s what matters.

Being able to CHOOSE what you do, and when you do it. Making up your OWN rules and doing whatever it is that you enjoy.

Life’s too short for anything else.

And thanks to internet marketing, lifestyle goals, financial goals and flexibility can become a reality VERY quickly when you follow the right system.

If you’re chasing your online dream and aren’t there yet, KEEP chasing it. You WILL get there as long as you never give up.

It took me 2 years of trial and error, frustration and failure, before I finally started earning decent money online, and from that point on, the snowball effect took over and things started getting MUCH easier.

Today’s post is about outsourcing, and specifically, a case study about how I outsourced this:

Before we dive into the juicy details, I’d like to THANK everyone who follows my Facebook page…and who “voted” for this case study to be written (and if you don’t follow my Facebook page, but DO open my emails, I’d like to thank you too!).

You guys ROCK, and I truly appreciate your support!

Here’s what I posted on Facebook:

If you’re not connected with me on Facebook, go to my Facebook page and click the LIKE button right now (this link opens in a new window):


I‘ve been sharing some interesting Kindle results on my Facebook page, and also openly sharing my Kindle income on a month-by-month basis… if for nothing else, I think that’s a good reason to connect with me on Facebook (I also run occasional prize draws and giveaways for my Facebook followers) 🙂

Here’s my latest Facebook update which shares more about what we’re doing with Kindle, and our latest Sales Update:

Now, lets get into the good stuff…

You’re about to learn:

  • How and where I outsourced the job (step-by-step screenshots from start to finish)
  • The job description I used (including the KEY things you absolutely MUST include)
  • How much I paid (and why I ended up paying more than I agreed on)
  • Who did the work for me (so you can use the same person if you want to)
  • How long it took from start to finish (and why it should NEVER take this long)
  • The lessons learned (I learn something EVERY time I outsource a job like this!)
  • And MUCH more…

Let’s begin!

For a while now I’ve had the idea to create an Info-Graphic that demonstrates the simplicity, and shear power of the Affiliate marketing system I’ve been using for the last 7 years…

The tactics I’ve used in the system have changed quite a bit over the years, but the core components remain the same… and it’s those components that I want to get across in this new Info-Graphic.

I know how to use the bare basics of Photoshop.

I can crop images, add text, rearrange layers, and resize. But that’s about it…that’s where “Aidan’s design magic” ends.

I’m actually really bad at design, so when I need something done, I just outsource it.

I save time, and I earn more money, since I can spend my time doing stuff that adds to my bottom line INSTEAD of getting bogged down with a simple “outsourcable job”.

Since I had a reasonably good idea of what I wanted to portray in my Info-Graphic, I sat down and sketched it out on a piece of paper.

Here’s what I ended up with:

 As you can see… it’s a pretty crude sketch, and I’m definitely not much of an artist!

But it gets the point across.

It shows the three parts of the system “in a nutshell”.

1. Traffic (100 visitors/day)

2. Conversion Machine (your website)

3. Profits (the moolah)

To make this whole outsourcing process as simple as possible, I took a photo of the sketch (using my phone), and decided I’d use that to explain my job when I posted it on Elance.

Before I posted the Elance job description, I sat down and tried to clarify more exactly what I needed the design to include. This time, I added some text to the sketch using Photoshop (you could just as easily use Paint.net or any other basic image editor). Here’s what I ended up with:

One thing I’ve learned over the years about outsourcing, is that you need to make whatever you need done as CRYTSAL CLEAR as possible.

Make the description so clear that a child could understand it.

The more specific you are about what you need, the better the outcome will be.

Not only this, but you’ll save time and money too.

Being specific means clarifying EVERYTHING.

Use examples where possible.

Explain what you like, and what you don’t like.

Get your idea across and make sure you’ve detailed all the specifics as much as possible.

You don’t need to use Elance, but it’s been my “go-to” outsourcing website for years now.

The other good option is Freelancer.com (previously called Vworker.com).

I’ve used Elance.com and Freelancer.com for LOADS of jobs over the years, mainly for writing jobs, design jobs and coding jobs…

I use these sites for the stuff that I either:

1. Can’t do (because I don’t know how)


2. Shouldn’t do (because it’s not a good use of my time)

This concept of what you should and shouldn’t outsource is worth highlighting…so let me elaborate for a second…

This concept is simple, and as soon as I understood it, my business took off literally overnight.

The key here is to understand one thing:

How much is your time worth?

More specifically:

What value do you put on one hour of your time?

Is it $5? $10? $100? $1,000?

The answer will depend on how much cash you have available, or how much you earn.

When I started out, I did everything myself because I was broke… I literally couldn’t afford to pay anyone to do anything for me, so I wrote all my own content, made my own websites, designed my own logos…

I sucked…

Here’s an example of how much I sucked:

That image above (from 23rd November 2005) is of my first ever affiliate site… I had no idea what I was doing, but I did it anyway, and I sucked.

But it was a case of sink or swim, so I battled hard and learned quickly.

As time went on, I got a better job and could finally start outsourcing some parts of my business.

First articles, then link building (back in the “good ol’ days” when link building worked!), then graphics, and so on.

The key to all this though, is to outsource as much as you can, when it can be done for less than the value of your time.

For example, let’s say you’ve worked out that your time is worth $10/hour.

If an image will take you 10 hours to create yourself, or you can outsource it for $50, then you should outsource it (because you can get the job done for $5/hour).

If on the other hand, the same image will cost you $200 to outsource, or you could do it yourself in 10 hours, then you should do it yourself (because the cost will be $20/hour otherwise…and your “price” is lower than that).

That’s kind of how I look at the whole outsourcing thing, and it’s that mindset that has grown the business of my partners and I (Tim and Steve) to the point where we hire a team of 22 people in Pakistan (coders, designers, support staff etc), and 2 full time employees based in the USA (1x eCom manager and 1x eCom support staff).

So my advice to you is this: Start by outsourcing the mundane stuff that you hate doing, and the stuff that can be done for less than what it’d “cost” you to do it yourself. Then scale up and outsource more and more as you make more money.

I hope that makes sense. If you get this ONE concept, it’ll help you grow your business VERY quickly AND live a better lifestyle!

Now, back to Elance.com…

Login to your Elance.com account (or create one if you don’t already have one) and click on the “Post a Job” tab as shown below:

Once you’ve done that, you need to add your job description…

Here’s what I wrote for this job:

A few things worth mentioning here:

1. The Title

“Info-Graphic Design Needed (lots of future work available)”

Ideally you should try to build up a little network of workers who you can use in the future, and by adding that you’ve got future work available (whether it’s true or not) will generate more interest in your job.

2. Specify Your Budget

In the job description I’ve specified that the maximum I’m willing to pay for this is $80. It’s ALWAYS a good idea to add this (unless you’re unsure of what the job is worth).

If you’re not sure of what the job is worth, then you can post the job description without a “maximum bid” being specified to see the bids that you get, then cancel it, and repost it again with a “max bid” specification based on the types of bids you got for the first job.

3. Ask For Examples

I highly recommend you ask for examples of similar past work… these are critical in choosing your worker, so make sure you get some.

4. Specify Delivery Format

Make sure you also specify how you want the job delivered…in my case, I said .psd, .png and .jpg. As you’ll find out shortly… I didn’t follow this up with the person I chose, and as a result they delivered something different (my bad for not following it up)!

5. Attach An Example

I attached the sketch I showed you earlier…this was a critical part of the job description. If you’re outsourcing writing, you can attached an example of the style you need, and if you’re outsourcing a piece of software, you can also attach a rough sketch (“mock up”) of the way you think it’ll look.

Doing this is a BIG time saver and will ensure you get better bids on your job (as the workers will understand more about exactly what you need done).

The next step is to add a few other job-setup details…

Before you can submit your job, you’ll need to select a few more options as shown below:

As you can see, I chose “Design & Multimedia” as the main category, and “Graphic Design” as the secondary category.

I also chose the pricing category for this job (“Less than $500”) and set the visibility and timeframe options (to “Public” and “7 Days”).

Once you’ve done all this, click the green “Continue” button to proceed.

After clicking Continue, you’ll see a screen like this one:

You can “Feature” your job for $25, or hit “No Thanks” to continue to post the job free of charge. I’ve never Featured a job… it’s never been necessary for me. Just click “No Thanks” to continue to the “Preview” page.

Now is your last chance to preview your job description before it goes live. But don’t worry… after it goes live, you can still change it and you’re not locked into anything until you actually choose a worker.

When you click the “Post This Job” button, you’ll be taken to a page that looks like this:

Click the “Invite All” button to invite all these people to bid on your project. It costs you nothing and normally gets you a few extra quality bids.

As soon as your job is live, you’ll get an email confirming that it’s live, it’ll look something like this:

As you can see above, I received this email at 10:46am…and in less than 20 minutes (18 minutes to be exact), I’d received my first bid along with this bid notification email:

As you can see, when you get a good job description set up, Elance can find you workers very quickly (quite often within just a few minutes!).

For this job, I received quite a few bids within the first 5-6 hours, so I started filtering them and narrowing down the best people for the job.

My filtering process is pretty simple, and when I stick to my guidelines I get good results.

Here’s the process:

1. Discard people who have done less than 10 jobs.

2. Discard people who have an average rating of 4 or less.

3. Discard people who have earned less than $1000.

What you’re trying to identify are people who have experience doing the job you’re asking for, and people who have a good reason for finishing the job “in full and on time”.

This is where the worker rating is so useful… with Elance, the workers “live and die by the sword”, and in this case, the sword is their average user rating.

If they get a bad review, it HURTS them a lot… One bad review is probably about as powerful as 20 good reviews, so most workers will do anything to avoid getting bad feedback.

Here are a few examples of different bids, some good, others terrible…and what I thought about them:

I discarded this bid immediately, as it was for $131.51… this person obviously didn’t even read my project description.

This person didn’t even give me a bid amount… not only this, but they also have ZERO jobs, ZERO earnings and ZERO reviews…I’d be crazy to select this person, so I clicked the “HIDE” button to hide this proposal from my view.

Unfortunately for this person, regardless of how good they are, it’s unlikely that I’d ever choose them simply because they’ve got very little job experience on Elance (2 jobs, $55 in earnings).

They could be design experts willing to work for a bargain price, but from my point of view, it’s an unnecessary risk to work with them so I “hid” this bid from my proposal list (you’ve got to be quite “cut throat” at this early stage, otherwise you’ll waste quite a bit of time).

Even though my maximum bid was for $80, if I find someone that seems to be a really good match for the job, I’m willing to spend more. And in most cases, if I can work with someone from the USA, UK, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand, I’ll also be happy to pay more.

So if the bid above was from someone from the USA who had a really good reputation and a good job history, I wouldn’t have discarded it… but since this person has so little experience, I clicked the “Hide” button right away.

This guy sounded interesting… US based, a good number of jobs, a good rating, and reasonable earnings…

Luckily I asked for a sample design, and luckily I checked it…here’s what he sent me:

This is crap. And it’s not really even similar to what I asked for in my sketch…so this guy just wasted his time and I hid his bid.

I ended up with 22 bids, and about 5 of them were good candidates.

Tina has a great job history, good earnings via Elance, and a solid rating.

She also provided me with good examples of work she’s done in the past (like this top quality info-graphic) AND her bid was just $55 (I ended up paying $95 because I insisted on quite a few additional changes, as you’ll see if you check in the message log).

Before awarding the job, I contacted Tina via the Elance message system to double check a few things, and to “test” how quickly she’d reply to me…here’s what I said:

I mentioned a couple of her past designs that I liked, and re-confirmed that she’d get me a draft in under 48 hours and finish the job in 5 days.

Tina replied 8 minutes later, and I then awarded her the job.

After I sent Tina a more detailed description of the elements (click here to see the full message log) that I wanted as part of my design, she sent me the first concept…here it is:

It was a good start, but still a long way from what I wanted. I explained a few of the changes I wanted, and then she sent me this:

Better… but still a long way to go.

After 5 or 6 more messages back and forth, we eventually ended up with this:

If you’re interested to see exactly how I communicated all the changes to Tina, then check out the full message log here: CLICK HERE TO SEE THE COMPLETE MESSAGE LOG

To be honest, I had higher expectation for this.

I think it does a good job of getting the point across, but I’d hoped for something a little better. The job dragged on for quite a while (about 2 weeks) too… I’d expected that it would take just a few days to do this, but all the back and forth with messages really stretched the project out.

This was the first time I’d ever outsourced an Info-Graphic, and I learned quite a lot from it.

Here’s a quick summary of the most important lessons and mistakes:

1. I expected a creative designer… but I ended up providing all the ideas.

This isn’t really Tina’s fault…she offered to do the job for $55, so I think I got what I paid for. Even so, I expected more ideas and initiative from Tina…what ended up happening is that I provided all the ideas, and she just followed instructions.

Here’s an example of one idea that I gave, that I think a more creative (or better paid) designer would have offered me:

I expected the designer to come up with ideas like the “hanging notes” I drew on the sketch above.

If I’d hired a designer from the USA, UK, or some other Western country, I think I would have had a lot more creativity, more ideas, and a better understanding of what I wanted.

2. I wasn’t properly prepared for the job.

I was in a hurry to get the project on Elance, so I didn’t really think it through enough. I ended up paying $40 extra ($95 in total) to complete the job in a way that I was satisfied with. I provided a lot of extra details via the message system that I should have had prepared from the start, for example:

I should have had this kind of thing thought out and ready at the start.

3. I didn’t re-emphasize all the requirements in the first message to Tina

After awarding any job to an outsourcer, it’s ALWAYS a good idea to re-emphasize the most important requirements in the first message you send the worker, and even better, do it via a private message BEFORE you award the job.

One example of this is how Tina delivered the files. In the job description I said that I wanted .psd files (Photoshop) so that I could edit things a little after the job was delivered.

Tina ended up making the image using Adobe Illustrator though, so when I asked for the .psd file, she couldn’t give it to me… here’s the message I sent her:

Since I actually specified that I needed a .psd file in the job description, I could have turned this into a big issue and insisted on getting the .psd file… but it would have only dragged things out longer and I may have never received the file.

In this case I just let it slide and carried on. But the point is, I could have avoided this if I’d re-confirmed and re-emphasized the key requirements in our initial messages.

I learned this the hard way online…but you really do get what you pay for.

  • Cheap internet marketing courses usually aren’t all that good.
  • Most cheap writers are terrible.
  • Cheap designers aren’t as good as expensive ones.

It makes sense, but it can be a costly and long-winded lesson to learn. If you want something that’s really good, you should be willing to pay for it.

I could have posted this job on 99Designs.com and paid several hundred for it, and I know for a fact that I would have got something quite a bit better… but having seen examples of other Info-Graphics Tina had made in the past (like this one), I really hoped for better.

Let’s not kid anyone, as a stand-alone Info-Graphic, this doesn’t really cut the mustard.

It doesn’t explain itself well enough…

To get over this, and to be able to use these images, I sliced and diced it a little, and turned it into a PDF document which I call my “Cheat-Sheet”.

Check it out here: Click HERE to see the Cheat Sheet

This short 5-pager takes the info-graphic and turns it into more of a process, how I’d originally hoped it’d be (and it’s a good little guide for newbies to follow).

So that’s the story of how I outsourced the info-graphic, and the lessons I learned!

If you found this case-study useful, or if you have a question, or even if you just want to say hi, leave me a comment below! I read all comments, and they all get published.

I’m excited about this…

In the next update on AidanBooth.com, I’ll be sharing what I think (and HOPE) will be a REALLY popular post…

The topic:

What do you think?

Is it a good idea for a blog post, or do you want me to talk about something else?

NOW is your chance to have your say, so leave me a comment below with what YOU think about the idea…or if you’ve got a better idea, share it with me below!!

Thanks for reading!

Until next time folks 🙂


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47 Comments so far:

  1. Hans says:


    Congratulations on the second birthday of your blog! 24 monthly updates, that’s quite an accomplishment in itself! That’s what I think of it! Starting something is not that difficult, maintaining something is quite a different story!

    Thank you for all the valuable content you share with us here. Often I learn a lot from your insights. Keep that up please, I really hope you get a lot out of that yourself!

    Enjoy the day!

    the Netherlands

  2. Jared says:

    GREAT POST!!! I’ve been curious about using Elance for a while now, and I’ve heard you speak about it on a few occasions, so this is just what I needed!

    Congrats on the Kindle sales too, it’s really inspiring to see real growth like that.

  3. Istvan says:

    Is this real?

  4. Jessica says:

    Hey Aidan, as always, great post (it shows that you put a lot of time and thought into these).

    I have a question about outsourcing… what’s your opinion on using Fiverr? I’ve heard a lot of conflicting info about Fiverr so would appreciate your take on it.

    • Aidan says:

      Fiverr can be good for SOME things… but it really comes down to “you get what you pay for”. I personally don’t outsource much on Fiverr, and wouldn’t do graphic images or articles on Fiverr… I have done Voice-Over’s on Fiverr and they were really good.

  5. Jessica says:

    Oh, and BTW – I LOVE the idea for the next blog post!!

  6. Chris says:

    Great idea for your next post, Aidan! … I’ve just checked my Elance account, and I’ve poured (wow) $23,000 into it, and 131 jobs, most of them for writing.

    For those who have never outsourced, think about this: When I wrote my own articles, it would take me about 2 hours to write one. Now, the average I pay per article is $8 … that means, when I wrote them myself, I would price my worth as $4/hour.

    Ask yourself – are you worth $4/hour? I don’t think so! You’re worth at least $120/hour! So, do the stuff that is worth $120/hour and outsource the rest!

    Now, I get an average of 20 – 30 bids per project. This is a very simple way to weed out the bad ones. I don’t leave much of a description in the project. I always have a “writers spec” document I attach, where I go into much more detail. So, I would say I have this many articles, on this topic, then I say “please see writer’s spec” for more info.

    What happens is that 20 out of my 30 bidders obviously never read that writers spec, so I immediately discard them (their responses will look like a copy and paste form letter.) For the other ten, they’ll say “I’ve read your writer’s spec, and I can deliver …” and they go into detail, with samples.

    Thanks, Aidan! I’ve never done an infographic before. Something I’ve been meaning to try out.

    • Aidan says:

      Great tips Chris! $23k in outsourcing, that’s a fair chunk of change… I wonder how many hours it’s saved you!!!

  7. Christina says:

    Hi Aidan,

    I outsource using elance quite a bit, and this blog post is spot on. I write children’s books and outsource the illustrations. Because illustrations can be quite costly, I found an outsourcer whose rates are rather reasonable. But just like you, I’m the one that’s coming up with ALL of the ideas for the book illustrations. This slows the process down because I have to send detailed instructions for every illustration conveying my ideas for how I want the illustrations to appear. This gets tiring and I wish my illustrator had more of a knack for creativity. However, she is great with making any necessary revisions. And like you said, you do get what you paid for.

    Great post and love your idea for the next blog post!

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Christina, I’ve never outsourced illustrations, but can imagine they’re not the easiest thing to get done well. Dog on you for finding someone who can do them!!

  8. Latha says:

    Wow! Very thorough, very detailed and Thank you for outlining each and every step.

    Reading the post felt like i was actually with you, going through the process. It has really helped me understand what it takes and also understand what should be avoided.

    wishing you a happy journey to Paris.

  9. Sue says:

    Aidan I appreciated you sharing your lessons learned. What helped me the most was how you move quickly through the proposals. I tend to take to long to do that.

  10. Mario says:

    Nice Post as always, you know this could of easily of been a wso hehe. Have in Italy and Enjoy Paris.

    The Next post is kind of ironic in a way 😀

    Always Pushing Forward

  11. Paul Warner says:

    Well you are moving to Paris, that in itself is such interesting news, and fantastic that you are able to. Curious as to how you came to that decision.

    As for this post I think that this is amazing stuff that you showed us here. I have known about Elance for a number of years but no one has ever discussed the process as you have here, even though I continually read from people suggesting that outsourcing is an important part of the process to be considered, and I do agree that it has to be a consideration, although money being spent is the bigger issue, since I am tightly budgetted for the time being. Still though knowing that if you get stuck in an area of building your business, you have these kind of people to turn to is some measure of security, and that in itself I think is important..

    As for the new blog post that you are going to do I can’t say say what my thoughts on it are, since there are so many areas you could go into that I need to learn about and I am sure you would put something together just as thorough as you did here today, no matter the subject matter, so I just look forward to learning whatever it is you will be teaching us.


    • Aidan says:

      Thanks for the feedback Paul, I appreciate it! As for Paris… We’ve spent time in both London and Madrid, so we wanted to try somewhere new, and we LOVED Paris when we went there on vacation a couple of years ago… So we’ll see how it goes (it also helps that my wife speaks French!)

  12. frazer says:

    Congrats on you and your wife new move wish you well n thanks for the great post.Amazing how
    this is a peoples business and your detailed account really helped me understand what could happen and how to best position yourself.I like to outsource more try my first one on fiverr lol it was so cool I like what I experienced the layout and so humorous what people will do.Importantly saved me time .for some wordpress blog installation.I like all the other areas in your life your kicking goals there its really a holistic approach and I get that from allot of the training videos I watched.Thanks again.

  13. Julia says:

    Thanks for your insights and your valuable lessons Aidan. I don’t comment much, yet know that I read and learn from you a ton.
    Thank you for your help and just being there for all of us.
    Cheers. That goes with the glass of wine in Paris that I’d hold up.

  14. Sulia says:

    Hi Aidan,

    Great post! Value packed as usual. I love the idea for the next blog post too!
    Good luck with the move, hope everything goes smoothly 🙂

  15. Chris says:


    Happy Birthday on your Blog. You do a great job with that.

    I want to say a special thanks for the Authority System CheatSheet.
    That is really good and extremely helpful. Thank you.

  16. Kai says:

    More amazing info, Aidan. You could package up this post with the PDF and create a Kindle outsourcing guide 😉

    I think the takeaway here is, once you decide that you’re better off outsourcing a task, you can’t be cheap or not spend the time doing the prep work. Even if outsourcing costs you the exact amount of time and money (in terms of your per/hour worth), you’ll be ahead because the results will be of better quality than what you can produce yourself.

    I’m voting for a Fall blog post and video from you done entirely in French!

    Bonne chance.

    • Aidan says:

      Merci Kai! That’s the extent of my French…

      Great summary of the key takeaways from this, I agree completely!

  17. Steve S says:

    Hey Aidan
    I really enjoyed the post. Started reading and then couldn’t get away until finished, that’s one of the first for me, seems like some other interuption always comes along. I really apprecisated the process of elimnation that you shared. Being farely new to elance that is the biggest issue now is chosing. I also enjoyed the cheat sheet and will have questions in the future about when we meet again down the road. Your idea for the next post sounds great. Thanks for all the detailed explanations.

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Steve, thanks for the feedback, I look forward to seeing you at the Blueprint Academy meeting in New York soon and speaking about your progress in person 🙂

  18. Kayla says:

    Great post! It can be scary stepping into the unknown so it always helps to hear from someone with experience. Also, love the idea for the next post!!!

  19. Love you, Aidan, as you well know.

    Great information.

    Enjoy Paris.

  20. Justus says:

    Very helpful post, Aidan. Having used e-Lance once (after reading your pdf on Kindle) I could relate to the process you described. I also found the discussion of how to decide what and when to outsource clarified issues for me. thanks.

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Justus, as I’m sure you found out, Elance is very easy to use. Good stuff getting your book done there!

  21. liz says:

    Very accurate. “I expected a creative designer… but I ended up providing all the ideas”.

    Thanks for taking the time to put this together. I added a link to this page from my post on outsourcing.

  22. riri says:

    Thanks for this great post, I’ve heard about elance before but never used it as I’m still at the beginning and don’t have much to spend.
    The 5 page report is great and thank you for sharing.
    Aidan I was wondering about how to get the password for the facebook fan posts on the blog, I’ve already liked your facebook page but I don’t know how to accesses these posts?
    Again Thanks for all what you share on this great blog.

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