Introducing The Growth Booth Podcast…
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Introducing The Growth Booth Podcast…

In exciting news, we wanted to let you know that my team and I started a new podcast called The Growth Booth – it’s a show focused on supporting budding entrepreneurs and established business owners alike, all towards achieving lifestyle freedom through building successful online businesses.

Here’s a round up of the topics we covered in January:

Episode 1

In the first episode, we explore the idea of lifestyle freedom being a journey, and that business growth and personal growth never happens in a straight line. Everyone’s business journey is different, and it will be constantly evolving over time. I share my journey as an entrepreneur over the past twenty years, beginning with my background in eCommerce, and the trials and tribulations of my journey towards lifestyle freedom.

One of my favorite stories is the story of the bamboo tree, which I share in this episode. This is an analogy to explain the mindset of what it takes to start and grow an online business from scratch – check it out here!

Episode 2

Discover top 10 ways you can make money online in 2022 in Episode 2 – at the end of the podcast I talk about the ‘bonus monetization method‘ to double-down on so make sure to stay to the end!
The key takeaway here is to stick with one or two of these methods as you’re getting started.

I’ll also let you know what one of my early mentors said to me, which I have remembered to this day -it’s a secret I tell all my private mastermind groups!

Listen here

Episode 3

Episode 3 looks to the future and how e-commerce continues to boom this year in 2022. Our guests for today’s episode are 2 successful students who are excited to share their journey of what could also be in store for you!

Find out here how two online entrepreneurs who went from knowing nothing about e-commerce to creating not one, but a couple of e-commerce stores with five-figure monthly sales and how anyone can benefit from this online strategy.

Episode 4

Not everyone’s e-commerce journey is going to be the same. In the last episode for January, there are a couple of common approaches when it comes to ecommerce, and we discuss these methods in-depth with a step-by-step process of how each one works – and its pros and cons.

Towards the end of the episode, I share my thoughts on which approach is the easiest and best to tackle, depending on what level you’re at with Ecommerce. It’s different for everyone, so one approach may stand out better compared to another. Here’s the link for the show.

For these and upcoming podcasts visit where we talk about online business, mindset, and lifestyle freedom.

Episodes are released every Friday on these popular channels:

As well, here’s a quick update on the latest books I’ve been reading. To see my entire book list since 2014 (eight years worth!), please click here.

Here’s my list for this year so far:

Will, Will Smith & Mark Manson

You’d think that moving from one of the biggest rap stars of his generation to one of the biggest Hollywood stars is epic enough, but that’s only half his story. The other half is how he realized that success in life doesn’t always translate into success in your personal life. Without knowing it, he often alienated his family and friends, and so began a journey of self-knowledge and transformation to balance work and family life and overall become a better person… a good biography is one where you learn something about yourself as well, and I found it to be the case when taking the emotional journey with him.

The Road Less Stupid, Keith J. Cunningham

Yes, smart people do dumb things. Keith basically says that you don’t need to do more smart things to find financial success in life… you just have to make fewer dumb mistakes! I found the tidbits of wisdom in this book to help in running my own business more effectively and minimizing financial risk.

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, Scott Adams

Everybody knows Dilbert, one of the most famous comic strips about a bumbling office worker… but did you know that Scott Adams, the cartoonist, failed at almost everything else? A funny yet serious book full of his personal stories and life lessons.

Work Less, Make More, James Schramko

A fantastic book full of bite-sized and actionable steps to truly work less and make more. The author, owner of a respected coaching system and a business podcast, it’s a great blueprint for creating highly profitable businesses while implementing strategies to enjoy life and freedom from work.

48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene

This book takes three thousand years of the history of power and distills it into 48 “laws.” Basically, it details how to grab power but, more importantly, how to wield it effectively and how to defend against others trying to manipulate you. To put it another way, it’s life lessons to be both a Sith Lord and a Jedi!

The Innovators Solution, Clayton M Christensen

While this book came out 20 years ago (and is now considered a “business classic”), it is very relevant today. Basically, Clayton examines why many companies fail to remain competitive, and how companies can be successful through innovation and disruption (Apple, anyone?)

The Magic of Thinking Big, David Schwartz

Another business classic, published in the 1950’s, the author proves that you don’t need “talent” to achieve success, but follow and practice the habits and behaviors of highly successful people. A very positive and motivating book, maybe the “mother of all motivational” books!

Limitless, Jim Kwik

Yes, a book that promises to “upgrade” your brain and memory, and it actually delivers! While maybe you don’t quite gain superpowers, it does teach you about how to learn super-like powers, such as speed reading, memory hacks, sleep, critical thinking and accelerated learning. The author himself suffered a childhood brain injury, leading him to a life-long quest on how the brain works and strategies to enhance mental performance.

No Rules Rules, Reed Hastings

Written by Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, this book reveals the unorthodox business culture of Netflix, and how it became one of the most innovative and successful companies in the world. Netflix started as a DVD rental service in 1998, and you are swept along on the journey of how they reinvented themselves again and again to stay highly innovative and bleeding edge.


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6 Comments so far:

  1. Leo Miller says:

    Oh, I love this! Happy to see you share your experiences in a another medium, Aidan. All the best!

  2. Shane Phillips says:

    SUBBED! Excited for your content! something to look forward to every week!

  3. shannon T. says:

    This is great! I love podcasts! Very useful especially now that I have to commute to office 🙂 Subscribed!

  4. Greg H. says:

    The new podcast business sounds exciting and I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for the book suggestions as well. Right now I’m reading “Breathe” which talks about how important it is to breathe properly for your health.

  5. Victoria A says:

    I am two episodes down.. this is great content!

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