The Formula For Predictable Success
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The Formula For Predictable Success

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Welcome back! There’s a lot of content here for you today, so let’s dive right in.

Today is about Predictable Success. When planning this post out, I couldn’t think of a better person to interview on the topic than my business partner and good friend, Rory Prendergast.

The interview dives into Rory’s recently published book (The Game Changer Formula), and his formula for predictable success.

Everything Rory is sharing here today is in perfect alignment with my own ‘Prosperity Puzzle’ training, which you can access (free of charge) here: 

The Prosperity Puzzle is a course comprised of over 50 videos covering what I think are the six key components of success. Click the link above to find out more about that.

Here’s what I recommend you do:

  1. Watch the video below (or read the notes)
  2. Get access to The Prosperity Puzzle, work through the videos
  3. Buy Rory’s book, read it, act on what you learn
  4. Check out the resources at the bottom of this page
  5. Leave a comment 🙂

Let’s dive in…


Video Transcript:

Aidan: Hi everyone, Aidan Booth here. I’m very excited about what I’ve got for you today because I’m joined here with a very good friend of mine, someone who’s a business partner, someone who I’ve learned a lot from, and someone who has just written an amazing book – it’s so good that I will probably put it in the Top 10 Books I have read in my life, in fact. I don’t say that very often, that’s for sure. I’ve been through the book 2 times and I’m going through it for the third time now. It’s got a lot of good info on it. We’re going to be talking about the whole process of how to go about writing a book, the actual writing of the book, but what I think the real value is for you here today is when we dive down deeper into some of the characteristics, traits, and mindset of high performance because I think that’s something that can impact everyone in lots of different areas of their life. I’m joined with Rory Prendergast. Rory, thank you so much for taking some time out of your day to do this with me.

Rory: Hey Aidan, how are you? It’s really great to be here today. Thanks very much for having me on.

Aidan: I thought we could divide this up into three parts. First, I’d give a quick intro about you, and then sort of dive into a little bit about why you wrote this book, what you hope to achieve from writing this book, then get into high performance. I was thinking back and creating some notes about this, and I think we first met in a bar in Las Vegas – I think it was even in Bally’s, not the most glamorous place in the world – around 2009. Does that sound about right?

Rory: I think that’s right. It was either 2009 or 2010. Cause I remember my wife was at an auction to buy our current house, and I was in a bar in Las Vegas trying to win the money in a casino, obviously.

Aidan: We hit it off right away. I think we were on the same wavelength from the get go. We were both building e-commerce businesses at the time and we were both on a conference in Las Vegas. It was actually Steve Clayton’s live event, and that was when I met Steve for the first time as well. I think over the years, we’ve done business ventures together, we’ve visited each other, we’ve got to know each other’s real values. What really stood out for me is that we were on the same wavelength with those things. We started a big project together in 2018, and you were really at the helm of that. That was a franchise business, helping people set up businesses in different corners of the globe, and that has been a huge experience. It has been an amazing experience, and we’ve helped lots of different people and the job that you’ve done there is amazing. I just want to run through a few of your accolades here cause I know you’re not going to tell anyone yourself. You’re a father, your son is 7 years old. Rory has built multi-million dollar ecommerce stores and sold one of them for seven figures. He sailed across the Atlantic twice – which scares the living shit out of me. He escaped from pirates – which also scares the living shit out of me. He helped his friend out of Bangkok killtown.. for those who don’t know, it’s one of the toughest prisons in Thailand, and the idea of bailing someone out of there scares the living shit out of me as well. He has successfully written what I think is an amazing book, and lots of other projects along the way. Let’s dive down on some of the meat now. You wrote this book, it’s called The Game Changer Formula. Why did you write a book and what were you hoping to get out of it?

Rory: It’s a really good question, Aidan. I’ve always liked writing. When I was on the boat, and we’re across the Atlantic, you’ve got hours at nighttime when you’re on watch and got nothing to do. What I used to do then was just write. I used to write our logs and our experience in the day. I put that into a blog and it got a lot of reactions from4 friends, it wasn’t anything that went outside of that. But I really enjoyed the writing part of that, and I just felt somewhere that I always wanted to write a book, but I didn’t know what it would be about or anything. It was actually when we started with the franchise, Pinpoint Local, that I realized that a lot of the learnings that I’ve had in my life, I could use them to help franchisees, help them personally, which in turn meant their businesses grew and in turn meant our business grew. That’s kind of where the query came from. I started that process, and as I was going through that, I said to the franchisees during that time, “I’m going to go a little bit outside my comfort zone and record some very short videos every day for this.” I did over a hundred videos over a hundred days, and I shared a lot of my personal stuff, and I realized that it actually helped people more than I expected. That actually gave me the idea, like, you know what, maybe I should write this and maybe I can help a lot of people. One of my goals was to help a hundred thousand people around the world. How or what, I’m not sure yet, but this is a start.

Aidan: How long do you think it took you from start to finish to really put all those pieces together? You obviously started taking some notes when you were crossing the Atlantic, but is there something that you have really brought together over the last few months prior to launching it, or was a lot of it already done?

Rory: I think what happened was, that stuff was in me, and I just didn’t know it was there. I learned a shitload from sailing across the Atlantic. That whole project of learning how to sail.. I learned a lot through that. But these things were all little learnings spread all over the place in my brain, and I didn’t know how to fit it together. I took on a coach myself in the middle of 2019, and he was able to collab with me. I had all these learnings that didn’t all fit together, and I didn’t need him to teach me anything, he just needed to help me figure out what was inside me and put all that together into a plan. That’s what actually became the book. When it comes to how long did it take to write it, I was very clear and I knew what I wanted to write, so basically, on a flight to Chile, I outlined what I thought the book would be. When I got to Chile, it was almost Christmas and I spent a month down there and I had like 10 days of vacation. I hired an office for those 10 days, rented that office for 10 hours a day. I spent 100 hours on the book, and when I was done with that, I would say the book was pretty much 85-90% there. So, a hundred hours there and another 20 hours over weekends through January or February, and that was it.

Aidan: That’s amazing. I guess when you’ve got something in you and you’re writing about something you really believe in and that you practice on a day-to-day basis, it’s much easier. One thing that captivated me about the book is the way that you tied it together using two metaphors from sailing across the Atlantic. There were so many parallels between that journey and the journeys that you’ve had in different success, different projects that you’ve done in your life. I thought that was a really go way to do it.

Rory: That’s what the coach kind of called out for me, that I had all of the ideas. One of my issues at that time was I was having all these successes and failures, and I wasn’t able to figure out what were the things that were giving me success. When he kind of closed those key points out of all the other crap that was going on, then I realized, “Wow, this is it. There’s only a few things in here, and if I do this, this would deliver success or it has delivered success.”

Aidan: So how long have you been actively using this formula in one way or another?

Rory: It’s hard to say because I kind of have reconstructed the formula for stuff that I have been doing, and I’ve been changing things over time. I’ve done some stuff where I figured maybe I could leave a part out for the meantime. It has changed over time until it became this formula. The way it stands today, I’ve been doing it since early 2019. Before that, I’ve been doing elements of it, some more elements, some less elements.

Aidan: I think it’s natural that those kind of processes evolve over time, but what really impressed me was how the framework made sense and the actually formula itself. We’ll talk more about how vision is really a key part of it and some of the other key components here shortly. Just offhand though, do you read a lot of books yourself? Are you someone who enjoys reading?

Rory: I go through phases of that. When I was going to write this, I did start to read more stuff around those areas because I didn’t want to just, from my own confidence, to feel like my thoughts were stacked up against other stuff.

Aidan: One thing that I have started to do a lot more for the past few years is listen to audiobooks because I find it a way that I can consume the information and absorb that information, but I don’t need to be sitting down in a quiet place to do it. I can do it while I’m walking to the supermarket, while running errands wherever that may be, I can also do it in 2x speed as well.

Rory: I think that’s great. I think that depends on the person, some people are auditory, some people are visual. For me, the audiobooks don’t really work as it doesn’t sink in to me when I do it on audiobooks.

Aidan: I think it depends a lot on the book as well. Some books are hard to do with audiobooks. Sometimes I actually get multiple copies of the same book: an audiobook, a Kindle version, and a physical version. Just one more question on this, do you like reading paperback books or Kindle style books?

Rory: I use a mix of Kindle and paperback. Kindle is obviously just so handy to have, but I do like it on paperback every now and then as well.

Aidan: I want to dive down on what I think are the most valuable parts of the book and the way that you’ve approached it. As I mentioned, I’ve read it from start to finish twice and I’ve skimmed it and I’m implementing a lot of it. I’d like you to give people who are listening to this a sort of an elevated pitch for what your book is about and your works.

Rory: This is about my journey through success and failure, and trying to figure out through that journey what was working for me when I was experiencing success. I have had amazing success in some things, from businesses to stuff that I’ve gone into without any knowledge. What I came up with was how do I figure out how I can I help people achieve predictable success, because I think that’s something that people want. How can I show that to people in a very simple and very formulated way? I looked at all the various different things that I do, and when I dissected them and pulled them all apart to see them together, they just naturally fitted into this formula, which I call The Game Changer Formula. The most important element of The Game Changer Formula is to have a vision, a really crystal clear idea of where are you going with your life, and then to apply into that the mindset, energy, and accountability. I have figured out that these are the three key components that you need to work on every day in order to achieve that vision which will then bring you to predictable success. Does that make sense?

Aidan: It makes perfect sense. You mentioned that a lot of what you’re sharing here are things that you’ve built up over time, but it sounds like you’ve done a bit of study. Certainly, if not actively from books, just from observing different people around you. I know you’ve got your own success circle and you work with people you regularly get together with. Can you share a little bit about your background and how these bits and pieces have come to be?

Rory: So I’ve been on this journey for a long number of years of continuous learning. At one point in time, I thought I knew everything I needed to know. But at one point in time, I actually sat down and said, “You know what, I think if I do this, that’s all I need to know.” I was so naïve, and I now realize that it’s totally the opposite: I think I never will stop learning, and I’m always looking for opportunities to learn. I’m really lucky in the friends and family that I have as most of them run their own businesses as well. I end up in a lot of conversations about business and also about things that are related to business. When you get success from a business, it can have an impact on your family or yourself, and I think there’s more to life than just business itself. I’ve got a group which we call The Power 7, and that’s 7 business owners. We meet up every two months and we do peer coaching. We give an update of what’s been going on for the last couple of months in our business, our family, and ourselves. We identify a question we want to discuss with the group, and it’s a very confidential space and we share issues we want to discuss and then people will help us coach through them. Only one person in the room is actually a qualified coach, the others are all business owners, but it allows me to get seven different perspectives on issues that I might have. I find that really interesting and super valuable, and I’ve learned so much over the years. The only thing that I’ve been involved with has been really helpful to me as well is Chuck Blakeman’s 3 to 5 Club. Chuck has written a book called Making Money Is Killing Your Business. From that book, Chuck has groups of 12-20 people that meet up around the world, and they have facilitators. That’s a little different to what we’re going through, a syllabus of how to get an all-around vision, or how to get off the treadmill of your business, and that there’s a business that can work for you rather than you working on your business. I’ve learned a lot from Chuck and his ideas. Then I read a lot of books around visualization, around business planning, around exercise – I’ve actually done training with an Olympic athlete who helps me with my running. All that kind of stuff has come into this. I was doing some yoga and various little things like that. All those elements come in to mindset, the energy, and the accountability in the book. One of the most important aspect is the coach that I have myself. His name is Jim, here in Galway, and he’s the one that helped me realize that there were elements here that fit together, and I’ve learned a lot from him as well.

Aidan: Other things that I often talk about is the common traits, common characteristics between successful people and anything, could be relationships, could be business, could be sports, is that they are like sponges for information. You can consume information in different ways – it could be books, it could be videos, conversations, it could be from an actual coach – there’s really no substitute for that. I think for people who just want to do one little thing and use one little hack, information is so accessible and so cheap. If you can pick up a book for $10-15 or whatever it may be, you can tap into the minds of people who have done some pretty amazing things. If we look at the formula here, the result is predictable success. I like that because I really believe that people that have success most of the time is not because they won the lottery, but because they have done certain things. A lot of these people who’s had success come from pretty tough backgrounds, so I feel like anyone can have success, whatever that means to each person. You’ve got mindset + energy + accountability, and then you got these to the power of vision.

Rory: The thing is, we’re all doing a certain activity every day. If we’re not focusing clearly on a very specific vision, we’re not going to get where we really want to be. We get to maybe where we think we want to be, or where somebody else tells us we want to be, or we don’t get anywhere at all. For me, vision is the most important thing because you can then tie all the other things to the power of that vision. In the book, I call it “the power of vision” because I think it has the real power of everything you do.

Aidan: Over the years I’ve read a lot of these books, and somehow I think I’ve been able to almost automatically build a sort of vision in my mind without sitting down to actually do it. But when you sit down to actually do it, it’s amazing the kind of things that you can imagine. When I reflect on my life, one of the things I enjoy doing is investing on property, and if I roll back the clock to 2005, I came to Buenos Aires for the first time where I live nowadays, and I was looking for property. I didn’t have any money, I was in fact in student debt. I literally had no money, maybe a few hundred bucks on the bank. But I was looking at property, and one thing I did to dream and visualize a little bit was I actually went to visit these luxury, high-rise apartment buildings, which might have cost half a million dollars or something. It must have been ridiculous for the real estate agent to show me around because I was a young guy looking at these properties that wealthy people would normally be buying. That sort of planted a seed in my mind and gave me something that I could imagine, and that worked very much like a vision. Fast forward to today, we’ve got quite a large property portfolio, a lot of properties around the world including some very luxury and high-end properties in Manhattan. If I didn’t expose myself or have given myself the possibility to imagine those things, they never would have been able to come into my life.

Rory: Couldn’t agree more, Aidan. One example I use in the book when it comes to visualization is that I wanted to have a boat, and I wanted to have this epic adventure. I remember I was in France at the time and I had a little notebook. I was sitting down at the docks and I was looking at the boats – I knew nothing about boats, but I started to just draw out what my boat would look like. It was ridiculous what I was drawing, it made no sense, but in doing that, that started cementing in my brain the boat and all the small details I could put into it. When you were in those apartments, you saw all the tiny things and you can then imagine how they fit in. When you can visualize that stuff and when you can visualize the feeling of it, and all the emotions surrounding it and all the tiny details, that has an amazing power to make these things happen. A lot of that I learned in a really interesting book by a brain surgeon in the US. His name was James Doty, and he wrote a book entitled Into The Magic Shop, and in that he talks about how as a kid, somebody taught him visualization, and how it brought him through life. It’s really interesting and it’s kind of what got me kicked off on that. I do that every day because I know that if I visualize, say that I’m going to a meeting, I know that if I visualize that meeting, visualize the outcomes, what would happen, the meeting tends to go that way and things work out. If I don’t do that, the meeting works out in a random way.

Aidan: The first time I heard anything about visualization, for me it was just too much like hype and hoopla, but I have seen myself how these things unfold now. I’ve been grateful that I’ve had a lot of business success and different projects in life. I feel like it’s just an absolute cornerstone part of seeing success. A metaphor that really hammers this home is if you don’t know where you’re headed, you can end up anywhere. It’s a bit like jumping in the car and just starting to drive without knowing where the hell you’re going and driving for a few weeks on end. Are you going to end up in a beautiful rainforest? In the desert? In the ocean?

Rory: You said there that it’s a critical part, but that’s it: it’s just part. One of the problems that I see around visualization is that people think that that’s just it. Just do the visualization and everything’s going to work out for you. That does not work. You’ve got to apply some energy to that in the right direction to actually make it happen. It’s a critical part, but it’s only a part.

Aidan: If we look at your formula, you could have the most amazing vision in the world, but if your mindset, energy, and accountability don’t work in line with that, then you don’t have anything. So if we talk about the mindset component, what are some of the key things that you do on a day-to-day basis to keep your mindset 10 out of 10.

Rory: There are two elements to it. First is creating the right mindset. For a large part of my life, I didn’t have that. There’s a whole part of our mind that we generally are not aware of during the day, and that’s the part of the mind that I believe we need to focus on and train in order to get where we need to go. In order to focus and train that part of my mind, I get up earlier than I used to do in the mornings because I need time to allocate to the mindset, energy, and accountability in order to make my day run well. One of the first things I would do is I’ve got what I call the Mindset Manual. This is just a notebook where I’ve written myself. It’s full of affirmations that help me direct my mindset in the direction that I need to go. For example, I will read in there, “I have everything that I need for today and it’s just a matter of making use of that.” I’d also read in there that, “I have all the time and energy in the world for all my roles today,” the roles that I need to be in the day, whether that be being a dad, or a leader, or a business partner, or whatever that might be. In that book I’ve got things I go through for personal stuff, my business, my health, and my family. What it does for me every morning is it just focuses my mind on where it is I need to be going and how I need to be going there. So I do that, and after that I do ten minutes of meditation to get some stillness in and clear my mind and make sure that I can focus well in the day. Throughout the day, I also jump on meditation mode for around 20-30 seconds whenever I feel I need that. I’m trying to improve by 1% every day, and I do that by going back through yesterday – I start from when I get up in the morning, I run through my exercise routine, what I ate during the day, my relationship with family, what I did in work, how I did with my to-do list. I look at it and say, “Have I done well? What could I have done better? How can I use my learnings to make today a better day?” I think of a couple of things that I write down in my to-do list and I’ll focus on that every day. That means every day, just tiny little increments of improvement, 1% for every day, that makes a massive difference at the end of the month or the year.

Aidan: If we can take one more thing away from this, it’s that it’s really critical how you start your day. You can roll out of bed, and it could be a little bit like Russian roulette – you dive into your cellphone, you find a problem, and then you do this and that, then your whole day is destroyed. But if you got a simple routine that you can start with, then you can bypass all of that and you can really start taking control. One really quick thing that I do that takes me about 60-90 seconds in the morning is before I’ve even rolled out of bed, I think of three things that I’m grateful for, they could be really simple things or they could be really big picture things. I think of three wins that I had yesterday, and they could be trivial things as well, and three things that I’m looking forward to. That puts me in the right frame of mind to get out of bed and then start my day using the same kinds of things that you mentioned there.

Rory: I believe that we need to be kind to our day, as fit for the day as possible, to bring your best self to the day. If you have a business with employees, you want them to come in ready for the day, their best selves coming in for the day – that’s what this process does in the morning, this routine gets you set up the best way you can.

Aidan: If we move on to the next part of the equation now: energy. Can you explain a little bit what you mean about energy, and then give a few tips about how you maintain energy day to day?

Rory: In this part of the performance, I think mindset is not important. We need to then apply energy to that mindset. If we don’t have energy, if we don’t come in to the day with the ability to kind of push through stuff and make stuff happen, which does require energy, then we’re not going to get anywhere. For me, the important thing around energy is first of all to get exercise every day. My exercise could be a little bit over the top for some people, but I need that kind of rush in the morning, a lot of fresh air, a lot of cold, and that just kind of gets my body in shape and ready for the day. Aside from that, food and hydration. I just know that if I’m not eating the right food in the day, my energy level would drop. Food has such a big impact on our energy levels. We are what we eat, really, that’s just a fact, so we need to keep that as powerful as possible. I’m not a vegetarian or a vegan or anything, it’s not that. I just like to make sure that 90% of the time, I eat the best stuff possible. The other thing that I learned is that hydration has a massive impact on the ability of your brain to process stuff during the day, and also on your body from the energy point of view. So it’s exercise, food, and hydration together can create the energy, which alongside mindset and accountability makes a part of the formula.

Aidan: I’m terrible at not drinking enough water. I can go all day and just have one little glass of water and I wouldn’t think twice about it, but I’ve started to train myself. I’ve got an app, and each time I have a glass of water, I press a button on the app and I specify how much water it was, more or less. I think for someone who wants to drink more water, they should get an app like that. If you’re someone like me who has struggled to remember, you’ll also see alerts like “Hey, drink some water.”

Rory: I think that’s a brilliant idea. I think 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated every single day, which means that the brain function is down. One thing on the food, I do have pizza every now and then, but my plan is that 90% of the time I eat good nutritious food that’s going to give more energy.

Aidan: I think it’s also more common sense that the more of these ingredients you’re putting in this equation, the better you’re going to do. So if you got better food, better hydration, better mindset, better accountability, better vision, obviously these are going to combine together, and ultimately determine what you achieve in life.

Rory: I’ve seen that through the people we’ve worked with in the franchise. People see a difference within 24 hours. Not a huge difference in 24 hours, but you do see a difference.

Aidan: Yup, it’s easy to underestimate the impact that these things have on us. I think everyone has to be a but flexible and find what works for them. Talking about accountability, you mentioned how you got a group of people that you can fall back on and sort of hold you accountable. I know that you got some business partners you work with that are also accountability partners, but what about for people who don’t have that? For people who really feel like they’re on their own here? Any advice or tips for them?

Rory: I think accountability is critical, and I do have what you said on the business partners and friends, but what I’m talking about accountability isn’t actually those things. I think we need accountability every day. What I have set up with my coach is that if I don’t tell him by 9 AM that I’ve done my morning routine, he’s going to be texting me, “Hey what’s going on? Have you not done your routine?” He’s going to be checking in with me. It’s not that I worry about him, but I would feel bad if I text him that I haven’t done it today. That’s important. The other area that keeps me accountable is writing up my planner for the next day. Every evening, I plan out the following day so that I can switch off once I’ve done that, I don’t think about work anymore. That means I sleep better, I can spend better quality time with my family, and it also means that overnight, my subconscious mind is getting through them and figuring out what’s going to happen tomorrow. When I go into my office the next morning, and I’ve got my plan for the day, I know exactly what has to be done, there’s no time to waste, I just go straight into it. What I’ve been trying to work out with people who have read the book is how can we set up an accountability structure. What I’ve done is to set up a group of 2’s. I found that if you were accountable to me and I was accountable to you, it doesn’t work that well. I find that the accountability works if it is in one direction only. So it works like I’m accountable to you, I send you updates every day, but you’re accountable to Steve. That seems to work well, and what I’m trying to build as well is a system where I could actually have a system for people who have read the book and want to be involved. They can join that and get accountability through that. You need that accountability every day because you’re going to fall off if you don’t have it, and it only takes a couple of days of falling off before everything falls apart. If you go through this and you build something up, you want to make sure that it stays built and that it grows into something and not fall down.

Aidan: One last thing I want to finish up with here is related to falling off the wagon from time to time. I think everyone does that. I’ve been practicing a lot of these things for over a decade now, and I fall off the wagon quite regularly. Any tips that you can give people aside from having the accountability system in place?

Rory: I think when we fall off the wagon on these things, we tend to be very hard on ourselves. I think it’s really important to know that shit happens. If we’re looking at improving by 1% each day, we shouldn’t be looking back over the last mistakes we’ve made the last 10 days. It’s not that important than what we need to do tomorrow or today. I think the main things is do not be too hard on yourself. Get up tomorrow and start again. Keep that positivity in your mind. If you’re hard on yourself like that, things would go downhill. You need to just eliminate that negative self-talk out of your routine.

Aidan: Just to add on what you’re saying there, from a business perspective, I feel like once in a while I get burned out. Or just in life in general, so many different elements coming in so many different directions and although you’re trying to stay focused, trying to keep things simple, burnout happens and that’s one of the things that causes me to fall off the wagon. When that happens, I find that I can do a couple of things: 1) come back to my vision and understand why I’m doing the things I’m doing, and really get that fire burning again. 2) it’s important to take a couple of days of down time just to recharge. Sit back and allow yourself to disconnect. 3) I write an email to my different business partners and I say, “Look, this is what I’m going through, I’m feeling burnt out and I’m not as productive as I want to be, not as creative as I need to be,” and that just the process of actually writing it out and sending it to someone often helps me process it and then I understand what’s happening. It gives me a chance to hit the reset button and start again.

Rory: I think that’s good that you’re acknowledging that reality in detail, and when you can do that then you can move on from there. Another thing about the morning routine is that some mornings, you’re more like, “I really don’t want to do the routine this morning.” I have a yoga teacher who was like, “If you don’t feel like doing yoga, just get on the mat, stand on the mat, nothing else.”

Aidan: It’s amazing how that first step, whatever it may be, like lacing up your running shoes, can sort of create this chain of reaction that you actually end up doing the thing. It comes back to forming these habits. Below this video, I’ll share some more resources for people to be able t educate themselves more about the kind of habits that people can build to perform at the best of their ability and I’m going to link that back to your book here as well. Thank you for taking some time out here, for sharing your thoughts with our subscribers and readers here today. I know that people that will pick up your book are going to get a real kick out of not just the lessons on there but a lot of the stories.

Rory: it’s a great pleasure to do this. I’m delighted. Really what this is all about is more people actually doing things. Like I said in the beginning, I really want this to help people. The more people that can get out there and implement this, the more successful those people would be.


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15 Comments so far:

  1. Jon Lance Zellers, (BPA-Kibo) says:

    Thanks for the discussion.

    From my experience, here are some personal observations about “vision,” which occupies a significant part of your discussion, above.

    As a child, I aspired to be the world’s best fighter pilot. I avidly followed stories of my airborne heroes. Not to be, however, my developing nearsightedness disqualified my military aviation dreams. This broken dream began a whole lifetime of altering or refining my vision for myself.

    I am going to skip past the array of vision changes and jump to where I am now—today.

    As I review the who, what, where, why, when and how that comprise both the vision and my actual history I find that most of what actually happened in my life had never made its appearance in any vision I had created. Conclusion: my visions have been non-determinant. My visions–written or mental–seem to have no influence on my life’s outcomes!

    How could a vessel with no Polaris star navigate to its North Atlantic destination?

    Has my life invalidated the process and validity of creating a vision and then using that in steering the ship of life?

    Am I advocating letting life succumb to the winds and eddies of chance?


    I now believe that a carefully crafted vision does provide a compass to help maintain the defining human values necessary for making yet-unseen decisions. I believe those redefined visions as life progresses create the mythical “box” we are often prodded to “think out of.” The vision creates a scene of happiness, contentment, satisfaction, success… it is a future place we want to be.

    Yogi Berra, the famous baseball catcher-philosopher, once said, “When you reach a fork in the road, take it!”

    Every day, life comes to many forks–large and small. Each encounter requires a decision. Each decision has its roots in instinct, desire, chance, luck, conscious or sub-conscious planning, environment, friends, etc. How many of these factors are under our control? These factors are not visible in our “vision.” There may be mini-black swans. They are not visible. If not vision, then what is the prevailing factor?

    The ability to recognize an opportunity and make a decision to act on it–even having an element of risk–may lead to redesign of the next vision. Luck can never be the strategy. It may be both fleeting and in disguise. When you reach a fork…

    Not all pathways after “the fork” take us where we want to go, regardless of how pleased others may be on that same road.

    I have now lived about 1% of recorded human history. I have witnessed much of that history. I have had the opportunity to converse with many of those who enriched that history. These are hardly insignificant events for me.

    My decision framework is also different. My wants and needs are different. I see differences in my capabilities. My vision, too, has changed. What worked for me 20, 40 and 60 years ago may not have import today.

    Rory, your book is good. I bought it–Kindle version–when it became available. I cannot exactly reassemble my thoughts or thinking processes of those bygone times. I am certain, however, that I would have thought highly then, though for different reasons.

    One of my current attributes is that I am a certified life coach. Age tempers one’s guidance.

    I have recently added a new personal tagline:” Gumption at 80!”

    Thanks, again…!

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Jon, thank you for sharing your thoughts here, I know Rory will appreciate them, along with other readers! #GumptionAt80 !!

  2. Anthony C says:

    I’m only in the first few minutes of this interview but let me just say, what an interesting person this is! I’m with Aidan on being scared shitless on almost half of the things you have done. If I’m gonna read a book, it would definitely be a book written by someone who has had experience with actual pirates!

  3. Julia Whitley says:

    I’ve ordered the book! But it’s still on its way to me so I’m starting on the Prosperity Puzzle course for now. It says one video a day is the ideal, but I can’t stop binge-watching it and taking notes!
    As usual, great content, Aidan. Hope you are safe wherever you are!

  4. Richard R. says:

    This looks like a great read! Always glad to hear from authors themselves. Already placed an order!

  5. Cheryl Roman says:

    Such a great read and watch, Aidan and Rory.
    That’s a good bit on accountability right there. However, the closest I have for an accountability partner right now in quarantine is my husband. We’re still beginners in doing this so we’ll try to make it work for now! I hppe one day we can form a small group of accountability partners just like yours so we can do that rotating technique.

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Cheryl, thanks for commenting. You don’t need to limit yourself to an accountability partner who is in the same location as you, you can definitely do accountability virtually 🙂

  6. It’s revealing to see how much weight is given to mindset, health and energy by people who have long since achieved financial security.

    My immediate takeaway was Aidan’s recommendation to use a water drinking reminder app to ensure proper hydration. The app I got has a running banner message that says “Water keeps your skin healthy, ensures proper kidney functioning, reduces aging, and increases productivity.” I too can sit for days on end by a large cistern of water and forget to drink a single drop! Now I know I’m not alone in the world 😉

    • Aidan says:

      Hi David, 6:00am here, and I’ve already downed 600ml of water, I’m off to a good start.. the app helps build a good habit for sure!

  7. Debbie says:

    Great interview! I too was at that Steve Clayton event and at that bar 😉 It was 2010 at the Luxor. I think it was 2011 or 2012 when I went to the second event at Bally’s. I had built four e-commerce sites between 2010-2014, but have since closed my sites and moved away from the online business world. I’m looking forward to getting started again, and I have Rory’s book to read. So nice to “see” you both doing so well! Cheers 🙂

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Debbie, I remember well! 🙂 With the current pandemic, it’s actually a great time to get started with an online business, it’s one of the few industries that are actually doing well, for obvious reasons! Hope you’re doing well!

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