Recent Wins, New Ideas, & Things Worth Pondering
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Recent Wins, New Ideas, & Things Worth Pondering

Below are some thoughts about different ‘easy wins’ from the past month or so (things you can implement quickly in your life/business). Enjoy!


Books Aidan talks about:

We’d love to hear your thoughts about this. What are your little wins? Let me know in the comments below!

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25 Comments so far:

  1. Alleandre Hook says:

    Keep up the good work

  2. Becky says:

    I like listening to your blog post rather than reading it. Nice change of pace!

    I was listening for some actionable items and got some but would love more!

    • Aidan says:

      Thanks for the feedback Becky, I’ll take this onboard and may make this kind of a post a more regular thing (and will work on adding in more action items!)

  3. clarence webb says:

    Always looking forward to your book recommendations. Glad you also enjoyed American Kingpin! I was mindblown when I read it! One of my favorite true crime stories.

    • Aidan says:

      American Kingpin is just insane.. hard to fathom really, that anyone in the world (and in particular the USA) could get any drug known to man delivered to their doorstep!

  4. Liza Arnold says:

    Oh, hiring a personal assistant changed not just my business but my life! Very true what you said about being able to focus now on things that actually really matter. Highly recommended for leaders, but also don’t forget to get someone you trust.

    Thanks for this Aidan, hope you’re having a lovely week.

  5. Mike M says:

    Love this “vlog” format for this month!
    My latest big win was I finally launched my online store last August 30. Been working on everything for the past 2 months I had to treat myself to a glass of wine after launching 🙂

  6. sheryl eisenhart says:

    Planning to explore crypto too! Any recommendation on where to start?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Sheryl, I can’t give you any recommendations just yet… as I don’t want to recommend something I don’t know enough about. But I will have more to share soon!

  7. Aidan,
    You are always super insightful. Really enjoyed hearing from you this month.
    I’ve been taking your programs, following you since 2014-15. I’m an active PinPoint Local partner in Canada.

    One of the books I’m reading that I’m enjoying is Value(s) by Mark Carney (former bank governor, Bank of Canada and Bank of Scotland). It is super current, I believe you will enjoy it too.

    Thank you for the reminder to break down my tasks and get more help! Each time I’ve added someone to my business team it has expanded my business.

    Continued Success.

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Deborah, thanks for the book tip, I’ll add that to my list! I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment 🙂

  8. Kathy K says:

    As a newly retired teacher I’m so glad you’re spending that time teaching your 4 year old how to read! Kids are such sponges, and I’m sure his future teachers will thank you for getting him started!

    Always enjoy hearing business and just life tips from successful people. Thanks!

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Kathy, I must say, I have been AMAZED at how my son has picked up reading words… and knowing even just 50 words lets him piece so many things together, it’s fascinating!

  9. Giselle von Klitzing says:

    Sorry, I have an unstable internet and miss words und, on top it, I can’t understand this man’s speech. A person with a soft trained voice should make announcements like this or, it that for some reason is not possible, a side-written explanation would be helpful.

  10. Julian Hebbrecht says:

    Some of the books I benefitted from are:
    1. The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle + Practicing The Poe of Now and also A New Earth – both from the same author.
    2. Eat – Pray – Love – Elisabeth Gilbert
    3. Warrior – Geoff Thompson
    4. The Nature of Personal Reality – Jane Roberts – also Seth Speaks from the same author. Actually, I have all the Seth books from this author.
    5. The Science of Getting Rich – Wallace D. Wattles
    6. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – Richard Carlson
    7. The Slight Edge – Jeff Olson
    8. Awaken the Giant Within – Tony Robbins
    9. Being Grateful – Janice Almond
    10. Act Accordingly – Colin Wright
    11. Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
    12. Bringin up Bébé – Pamela Druckerman
    13. The Silent Orgasm – Gunther Nitschke

  11. Wayne Karney says:

    Hi Aiden.I,m a Successful Businessman.I have been following your great Work,you and Steve.I would like to get around you guys to learn, skills.I have Owned Co-Owned over 15 Offline Brick and Mortar Businesses to date, some family and now looking to join like minded people.I,m looking to upskill Online also, and have seen the Courses that you have on offer, but need to know trust and like who I,m working with as all my past working was more hands on. I grew up in business my Dad and Mam where Entrepreneurs.My dad was a large businessman in Manufacturing,Property Developments,Shops and he was also a Publican.I have also been in Movies and I,m known in Ireland on TV.I have a big Network and Travelled to over 57 Countries to date.I,m now looking to Master Online Sales like the Kibo Code e.t.c?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Wayne, offline experience is a huge help in building online businesses, so I’m sure your experience will come in handy. Good luck with building your online business, and thanks for commenting!

  12. Sagar Hengade says:

    Started my e commerce journey by Kibo Code. Got some sales in 2020 was my first win. Google suspended my account due to its policy changed. After that I tried hard to get my account back to work but I failed.

    How to start again ?

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