It's Roadblock Smashing Time -
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It’s Roadblock Smashing Time…

Hi, and welcome to the 1st of July update to!

Since April 2012, I’ve been adding free content to this website on the first of each month without fail, and this month is no different.

As always, is a “promo-free zone”…this site is about sharing useful information to help you succeed online.


If you’re a regular visitor, you’ll notice that this month’s post looks rather empty compared to most…


To make this months content delivery different and more dynamic, I want to spend 90 minutes (or as long as it takes) answering YOUR questions LIVE.

And I’ll be doing that TOMORROW NIGHT.

UPDATE: Episode #1 of was done live on July 2nd, the replay, transcript, and .mp3 audio file can all be found further down this page.

Get all the details and find out how you can participate at


Click HERE to Register For The Live Q&A Session


If you’re unable to attend live, then make sure you read the next few lines because there’s a way you can STILL get your questions answered…

If you already know that 5pm ET tomorrow doesn’t work for you, but you DO have a burning question you want answered, then what I want you to do is write your question in the comment box at the bottom of this page. As long as you do that, I can guarantee I’ll answer your question, and you can watch the replay to find the answer.

Another thing…

We kick off the call at 5pm ET tomorrow.

If you’re UNABLE to attend at 5pm, but are able to a little later, say 6pm, then SIGN-ON at 6pm.

Since this call is going to be based around answering your questions, it’s fine if you join a little later (it’s not like a normal training workshop where it’s essential to be on from the start).

I’ll be on the line for at LEAST 60 minutes, most likely a lot longer.


Here’s the replay:

Note: To see more videos, check out my YouTube Channel.


Episode #1 of was also turned into a PDF transcript, download it using the link below:

Right Click Here & Select “Save As” To Download The .PDF Transcript


You can ALSO download the .mp3 audio version:

Right Click Here & Select “Save As” To Download The .mp3 Audio File

That’s all for this update to Thanks for visiting, check back next month for more!


P.S. – I look forward to hearing what you think about… if this is a popular idea, we can turn it into a regular event!

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30 Comments so far:

  1. Gavin says:

    Hi Aidan, my question is: What would you say are the most important things to get right when starting a Kindle income stream?

  2. Sara Boyd says:

    Hi Aidan, I’d like to know what you, Tim, and Steve are doing as a form of SEO for your websites these days… I’m SURE you’re doing something 🙂

  3. Jerry says:

    Would you be able to take a look at my affiliate Authority Site and give me a few tips as to what I could do to improve it? I’m making about 10 sales/week, but it seems low, because my traffic is 600/day

  4. Mike O'Neill says:

    Hi Aidan

    Q1 Are you enjoying life!?

    Q2 Did I miss the June 2nd Q&A date:-)?

    Q3 If I want to use a UK company to publish my books and manuals on Kindle etc, what do I need to do to avoid the US tax authority taking US tax at source on earnings?.

    Thanks and all the best

    • Aidan says:

      I’ve added Q3 to to the list Mike!

      Q1 Are you enjoying life!?

      YES!! Loving Paris! Some more exciting trips have been planned… next stop, Cinque Terre…

      Q2 Did I miss the June 2nd Q&A date:-)?

      Thanks for pointing that out!!! Fixed now 🙂

  5. Helen says:

    Hi Aiden
    I wanted to ask about motivation, staying the distance and getting success. I am a serial shiny object buyer. I can’t seem to stick at one thing as I get demotivated vey easily, lose confidence in my own ability, get far behind then move to the next thing.
    I am aware that I do that but lack discipline to focus myself to break through my road blocks.

    Would love to know the best way to get disciplined, stay motivated and move forward.

    Thanks H

  6. Driss says:

    Hi Aidan:

    First of all thanks for your valuable help and especially for this
    live Q&A session but just in case i can’t make it, i have 2 questions:

    1/ Information overload is my major problem and i have so much
    information and so many ideas but i can’t focus on any one of
    them and actually not making not even 1 penny online so how do
    deal with this problem plz?

    2/ If you had to start over today from nothing and i mean nothing
    and knowing what you know now, what would u start with so you can
    have at least a decent income?

    Thanks again and god bless you sir.

    • Aidan says:

      Great questions! Hopefully you can make the call, but if not, I’ll make sure these get answered and you can watch the replay 🙂

  7. Jon says:

    What are the best links to use right now? Is guest posting really dead?

  8. Robert says:

    My roadblock is outsourcing.

    I’ve never hired anyone over the internet and don’t have anything to measure against in terms of finding people or comparing them or what is a good price.

    Specifically, I’m looking for Kindle books to be written and cover art to be created.


  9. Jojo says:

    My questions are:

    1.How do you manage content creation for your websites.
    Do you use any software to automate content creation or do you completely outsource it.

    2. For SEO which softwares/tools do you recommend as absolute necessary.

    3.Do you use Twitter for marketing,

  10. Hello Aidan,
    As I always think of you as sort of “my first teacher online”, it’s fun coming back. I’m now selling physical products using the Amazon platform, which program I believe you’re familiar with.
    What, in your opinion is the best way to START getting traffic moving after doing the “almost free” giveaways for reviews?

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Lise, always great to hear from you – I hope you’re doing well! I’ve added this question to the list 🙂

  11. Penny says:

    Hi Aidan: is there a keyword tool or topic research tool you recommend highly?

    Thanks, Penny

  12. Christine says:

    H Aidan
    Just wondering when doing Kindle books can you put links to your own website and also to an amazon physical product of your own in the text so it is clickable and they got to either your site to get a free something or to buy your Physical product. If so how do you go about his so not so pitchy..Do you do this to get a list?

  13. Ed says:

    Thank you for the 42 page script and I will definitely go through them carefully.

    Aidan, I have more than one site active promoting and advertising affiliate products. I’ve had these sites on for some time now but have not been productive. I couldn’t purchase advertising because it is beyond my budget’s capability. I am trying only social programs to get opt-in email listings.

    I would appreciate any suggestions or comments you would like to make to help my situation.

    Thank you.

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Ed, you’re welcome!

      If buying traffic is out of the question, then look at free options… free options such as finding “pockets of traffic” will require more work, but in the long term it’s a good option. Think about forums, Q&A sites, blogs, YouTube videos etc…

  14. Maggie says:

    Hi Aidan,

    Thank you for this great session. I’ve listened to it twice already. Soooo many great tips and advice that I will probably listen to it again! hahaha
    I think it is a good idea to have sessions per topic and focus on Kindle or what ever you need to cover, but a general question and answer session like this every now and then will always be a good idea. Why? That way people get to know what other Internet marketers are busy with (or struggle with) and might want to know more about a topic that comes up.

    Have an awesome day!

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Maggie, thanks a lot for the feedback, great to hear your thoughts, and I’m glad you enjoyed this 🙂

  15. Matt says:

    Hi, Enjoyed your Video, can you send link for Crowdforce. I’m interested in getting more traffic to my sites.

    Regard Matthew

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Matt, Crowd Force isn’t available to new members right now, it’s only available as part of our monthly membership program (which is also closed) and a couple of premium products we have launched in the past year. You CAN however check out – I believe we have space at the moment for a couple of new clients with that.

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