4 Easy Ways To Earn $1000 Per Month
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4 Ways To Earn $1,000/Month Online


Hi, and welcome to the 1st of the month blog post on AidanBooth.com for May 2016!

Today is a SPECIAL day, because it marks FOUR YEARS since the very first blog post on AidanBooth.com… but it’s much more than that.

Since the 1st of May 2012, I’ve been adding a new blog post to AidanBooth.com every single month. I couldn’t have done this without the loyal following that people like YOU have given me over the years.

Here’s a THANK-YOU gift…



The PDF I’m giving you today is taken from our Blueprint Pro program, more info about what this is further down this post.

Four years of monthly blog posts… thats 48 posts.

Although it’s sometimes difficult to write a new high-quality blog post each month, I’ve stuck with it, as it’s important to me to give back, and that’s exactly what I’m trying to do here on this blog post today.

Over the past four years my website has transformed in a huge way:


You can read about this transformation in this blog post.

My business has also transformed…

From a time where I was a ‘one man band’ flying blind running a successful online business WITHOUT any kind of a roadmap, to today, where I have a great business partner who I learn from all the time (Steven Clayton), a BRILLIANT team of about 35 people (I can’t tell you the exact number, because it constantly changes!), two offices in Pakistan (in Lahore and Sialkot), one in China (Guangzhou), and a worldwide network of amazing people, and a comprehensive business growth plan in place.

I’m a BIG believer in a saying by Jim Rohn that goes:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

In my business life, this is certainly the case. Over time our team has continued to evolve and is continuously improving. The people I surround myself with constantly help to pull me up.

Looking back to when I started in 2005, it seems like just yesterday when I was building an ugly website where I tried to sell flowers (click here to find out more)… that website failed, but my desire to have complete geographic, time, and financial freedom never wavered.

Before I get in to todays content, I want you to remember this:

If I can succeed with an online business, you can too.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have witnessed thousands of people build online income streams over the past decade, and I’ve seen a lot of knuckleheads succeed as well.

Believe me… you can do this.

The past month has been full on to say the least.

We released our 100k Factory Ultra Edition program, I travelled to China to visit our office and to hold our quarterly Blueprint Academy mastermind meeting, and went to visit family in New Zealand.

Here are some of the highlights:


Now… enough about me, on to today’s content 🙂

“How can I build a $1,000 per month business?”

I get this question ALL the time.

Firstly, lets put this in perspective…

$1,000/month is $33/day…

It’s not a lot of money for an online business, and ANYONE can achieve that online regardless of where you live or what you know or don’t know!

Below are 4 simple strategies you can use, and I’m also GIVING you a $1,000/month Cashflow Cheatsheet from our Blueprint Pro membership program as well…



Idea #1: Trade your time for dollars!

I know this probably isn’t the thing you’ve been dreaming about, but you can’t deny that it’s easy.

Websites like Freelancer.com, Upwork.com, Craigslist.com, Fiverr.com and many many others are BUILT for this kind of thing.

All you need to do is create an account, and start bidding on projects. You’ll get paid for completing jobs for other people. There’s something for everyone, so browse around and check it out.

It’s not rocket science… most people are just too lazy to do it.

Idea #2: Create An Amazon Product Review Blog

Seems like wherever you go, everyone’s talking about Amazon these days… and for good reason, Amazon is a monster!

But Amazon isn’t just white label physical products, retail arbitrage and Kindle…

The strategy I’m about to share with you is NEVER mentioned, but it’s something I used to do on a prolific level many years ago… at my peak, I had over 1000 websites ALL doing this exact same thing… and it works just as well in 2016 as it ever did.

Here’s the process in a nutshell:

  1. Find a product on Amazon that sells for $100 or more
  2. Check to see the product keyword is something you can rank for (details on how to do this below)
  3. Build a blog specifically about the item. Write a review as well as a few articles, promote them on Facebook to audiences who are interested in the item, and watch your commissions grow.

Here’s a chart showing you the commission Amazon will pay you:


As you can see, if you do about 30 sales per month, you’ll be looking at either 6% or 6.5% commission.

If you’re selling something that costs $100, you’ll only need about 6 sales per day to hit $1,000/month. Not hard to get to!

Here’s an example of a product I’d target:


It’s the Jawbone UP4.

This thing sells for $119, which means you’d pocket about $7.14 for each sale you refer.

Using the MozBar (Chrome App, you can download free it from the Chrome Extension store) I can see that the keyword “jawbone up4 review” has moderate to low levels of competition (only 3 results on page 1 have above 50 for both Domain Authority and Page Authority)… so this keyword is something you could absolutely rank for.


All you need to do is build a blog, generate some simple content, and do a bit of guerilla marketing (get your blog linked on Facebook pages, forums, and other online groups… our Crowd Force traffic software is PERFECT for this). Before you know it, you’ll have traffic coming to your site, and you’ll see sales in your Amazon affiliate account.

Even a tiny trickle of traffic will make you sales when you rank for keywords like “Jawbone UP4 review”.

You won’t just get sales from this though… you’ll generate at least an additional 25% in revenue from other purchases made by your customers on Amazon.com.

Idea #3: Buy access to Blueprint Pro

Inside Blueprint Pro, we’ve document EXACTLY how we’ve built lucrative online businesses using Kindle, Fiverr, Affiliate Marketing, Amazon eCommerce, SEM and Info Products.

The reality is that it’s easier to follow an in-depth blueprint written by people (like Steve and I) who have been down the path and actually done what you want to do.

Our Blueprint Pro membership cost $97/month and isn’t always open to the public (it’s been closed since January), however we’ve opened it up today specifically for this blog post.

Click here to find out more.

Idea #4: Download our Affiliate Marketing Cashflow Cheatsheet

No strings attached here, just a rock-solid 73-page affiliate marketing blueprint. Download it today, work through it, and build your own online business.



Click here to download the Cashflow Cheatsheet now

That wraps up todays content, I hope you’ve enjoyed it, and I hope you visit my blog again soon!

Got a question? Comments?

I’d love to hear what you think, and reply to and questions you may have, so leave a comment below!

Thanks for reading, come back again on June 1st for more 🙂


Like what you’ve read?

If so, then click the “GET STARTED” button below. I’ll send you my SEVEN Passive Income Blueprints' and more great content (100% FREE, no strings attached).

50 Comments so far:

  1. Jeremy Hurst says:

    Congratulations Aidan. I’ve been following you since your Page One Evolution program many years ago, and have always enjoyed your blog post, I hope you’re doing them for another 4 years to come. I have one question about the Amazon method, do you need to be concerned when targeting trademarked keywords?

  2. Hannah says:

    I’ve just downloaded the affiliate PDF and am working through it now, looks great. Thank you for your generosity. I may have questions for you later.

  3. Cristian says:

    What a great post. I’m always inspired by you Aidan, and always look forward to your email. Thank you. Keep up the good work.

  4. Carol says:

    Hi Aidan
    I will download this info to read later…but I am real busy now polishing up my webssite. I am enjoying 100K Factory ultra Edition. I have taken a few courses before and have not made much money. The info I learned before is helpful to me, in that I understand most of this course material. I am looking forward to internet success!! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Troy Johnston says:

    Thanks Aidan and great value as always. I’ve only just dabbled with review niche sites for passive income. I’d love your thoughts/feedback on one we started – http://www.bestwirelesshometheater.com/ (sorry if I shouldn’t share a link and feel free to delete). I have a means of generating more, unique content. But would’ve love your experienced insight.

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Troy,t his is a great start. I’d include more images in the sidebar, an image for the a logo as well, and I’d set up a FB page to run alongside this. Great start though 🙂

  6. Lance Gross says:

    Hey Aidan,

    Great post! I totally agree with what you’re saying about being an Amazon affiliate. And when you mentioned “crowd force” I wanted to see if there’s a good post that talks about how you use that?

    Also, regarding the 100K Factory Ultra course I’m having troubles getting my store installed and unfortunately support seems unresponsive (or they just aren’t able to help).

    I keep getting “internal error” messages when trying to install my store. I’ve let support know about this but it’s approaching a week now and it’s frustrating not being able to move ahead.

    At this point I would at least appreciate some communication from them to know what’s going on…

    Is this just happening to me? Is it affecting half the group? Is there something I can do that’s working for others so I won’t keep getting this error message?

    I keep hearing how world class the support is and hopefully this will be a chance for me to experience this soon 🙂

    Thanks for your time and help!

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Lance, the store installation issues faced by some people should be fixed now! Just try the install again. I’ll look into your support ticket and make sure you get a response on that… it’s weird you haven’t got a reply yet, we have a 24 hour response time on average at the moment…

      • Lance Gross says:

        Hi Aidan,

        Thanks for the reply!

        Yeah, I’ve been trying every few hours (since last week) in case it gets fixed. Still keep getting the same error:

        “There are some internal errors while store installation, please contact to 100k factory support center.”

        I appreciate you helping to look into this. If you could encourage the support staff to help me get this taken care of (or at least communicate an update with 48 hours, or 24 hours if possible), that would be ideal. Otherwise, it feels like they’re just assuming it will start working for me at some point and are ignoring the problem–

        Thanks again for taking the time to address this 😀

        • Aidan says:

          Hi again Lance, can you please clear your cache and then try the install. I just re-tested, and as far as I can see it’s all working. In saying this, we’ll make a point of looking into your tickets again so see if we can find anything else. We definitely are contacting each person individually, I’m concerned your email may have fallen through the cracks somehow, as I expected that we would have replied by now. In any case, I’m looking in to it personally 🙂

          • Lance says:

            Thanks for again for the reply. I appreciate you taking the time to help. I really want to move forward on this but on my end it just feels like things are going in circles. I did clear my cache again (which I’ve been doing throughout the past week as well) and it’s still not working.

            I asked support for confirmation that they will see this through to getting it fixed or let me know if some unavoidable error is happening what my other option(s) are to moving forward with this.

            If you could encourage the support staff to communicate some sort of confirmation along these lines, that would be appreciated. A support staff mentioned someone might do a manual install but it was unclear if that’s what they’re working on now or if that was just an idea they’re pondering.

            To me, that seems like a fair and reasonable way to proceed. I just want to move past this 🙂

            Thanks again for responding though, I appreciate you looking into this and hopefully helping to see it through to being resolved.

            Thanks Aidan!

          • Aidan says:

            Rest assured Lance… we’re committed to your success, so OF COURSE we will see it through until your particular issue is solved. Stand by for an update soon.

          • Aidan says:

            Okay Lance… I’ve taken a look at this. Firstly, ALL your tickets have been replied to. Secondly, the issue you’re having with the hosting is because you’re not using what we recommended… you’re using Bluehost. I recommend you use what we’ve recommended, I really think it’ll make all your issues disappear… we are doing a manual install for you, but this delay could have been completely avoided if you’d used the recommended option 🙂

  7. Hi Aidan,
    I just want to say thank you. I have been following you and your pals for years too.I am doing 150K in Kindle books per year because of you guys. It’s refreshing being able to trust people online! I have joined your 100K factory and my friends are watching to see my results with baited breath…They will be joining next opening!!

  8. Kelly A says:


    Great stuff!

    What is your guy’s take on authority blogs? Do you have training for it?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Kelly, the PDF we’re giving you today is actually all about authority blogs… so yeah, we have training on it 🙂

  9. Michael Medina says:

    Hi Aidan,

    Have been trying to log in to 100k to set up website and upload of products but both Float and 100ksupport not able to deal with technical issue. Into day six of emails, screenshots and both organizations blaming the other for the problem.

    Your my last hope. Would really appreciate your assistance. Just for background am a very satisfied customer of your Amazon White Label program. Here’s the link to the Emma’s Choice Product line being sold on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca


    Would greatly appreciate your assistance to resolve intractable situation.


    Michael Medina
    Toronto, Canada

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Michael, Regarding Float Hosting, just keep working with them on it.. it’s hard for me to chime in since I don’t know what the exact issue is… but rest assured, we’ll get it resolved.

  10. Tracy Dell'Acqua says:

    Thanks for your generosity!

  11. Trent Cole says:

    Aiden this last email has gotten me a little nervous tbh.

    I thought the 100K ultra edition was supposed to be the ‘main’ way to make the money;by advertising physical products on facebook. If we can easily make 100K a year doing that then why would we be interested in making $1000 a month doing all the above?

    Just wondering if you could clear that up thanks. ^_^


    • Aidan says:

      Hi Trent, I think I made it very clear in the email that 100k Factory Ultra is WITHOUT DOUBT the best way to make money online right now! 🙂

      • Trent Cole says:

        Cheers buddy just thought I’d ask is all haha

        Looking forward to lesson 3. I’m praying so hard this can turn my life around.

  12. pauline wright says:

    Hi Aidan,

    Thank you for this great info here!

    Can you offer any tips on how best to setup Amazon affiliate products with FB marketing? Would I need to create a fanpage around the product/product info? Could you explain a little about this please? Thanks so much.

  13. Ann says:

    Thanks Aiden, Great Info, however I don’t think I will be using it right now since I am in Ultra and I can’t wait for the next Lesson. So exited!

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Ann, thats right, focus on 100k Ultra for now, that has ALL you need and much more to blast past $1000/month!

  14. Jim says:

    I am not getting the download when I “Click the yellow ‘Download’ button to instantly download the 73-page Affiliate Marketing Cashflow Cheatsheet.” I keep being sent back to this page??

    • Aidan says:

      Are you sure you’re clicking the button Jim? Perhaps you’re clicking the link above the button? If you still can’t get it, let me know your email and I’ll send you the doc (I won’t publish your email).

  15. Neta Tomchuk/Dale Speckeen says:

    Hi Aidan.We are enjoying the 100k training a lot.Since we are in our mid 50’s this has been quite a learning curve to say the least.So we will be focusing completely on the 100k for now.Although the other info. you have in the 73 page will definitely be something we will look at down the road.We are currently having some issues with not being able to log into the wordpress to finish editing our ads on our website.Hoping to get some assistance soon as we don’t want to fall behind being that session 3 goes today.I am still at my j.o.b. so I will have to watch the replay but Neta will be on the call.We find a few of the training videos a little confusing as there seems to be an awful lot of windows open on the screen shot and he tends to do a lot of fast clicking from one site to another and loses us at times.Mostly things are going well .We are a bit nervous since we are newbies at this that we are doing all the steps correctly.Thanks. Neta Tomchuk/Dale Speckeen

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Dale/Neta, I know the nervous feeling, but go with the flow, things get easier! We’re here to help, so get in touch with us and we can step in to help out any time! As for the videos, we’ll try to slow them down and use fewer windows 🙂 Great to have you guys with us!

  16. Yuksim says:

    Hi Aidan,

    Appreciate this info on making $1K per month which I’m forwarding to folks in need of a financial boost.

    I am a totally grateful newbie/beginner working my way through 100K Factory Ultra Ed, having joined in April, 2016. Am ‘getting it’ slowly and surely. Thank the Lord and thank you for sharing your hard work and success with the ‘world’.

    For folks who didn’t/ couldn’t sign up for 100K Factory Ultra Ed for one or another reason they now have another opportunity to generate income if they take action. Someday, they might even have a 100K Ultra opportunity like me!

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Yuksim, great to have you with us!! I’m glad you enjoy this info, thanks for the feedback!

  17. Bridget says:

    Hi Aiden,

    Been following you guys for some time now. Thanks for helping others by sharing your knowledge.
    I have not been able to download the cheat sheet even though I have gone through all the process of subscribing to your blog.

    would greatly appreciate your help.
    Many thanks

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Bridget, try using another email and another browser. If you’re using Chrome, try Firefox. If you’re using Firefox, try Chrome. Also, check the spam/junk folder in your email as well…

  18. Rita Griebel says:

    Hi Aidan,
    Joined 100K factory last year. Are we still able to use all the stuff you put on the
    program now? Was real good, but got behind so did not finish up the way I should have.

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Rita, this years program is different, so no, it’s not in your members area. You can still get started on the 2015 100k Factory program though!

  19. Thomas says:

    Hey Aidan quick question as I am still waiting on support. I tried setting up my FB page and FB is saying that my website has a phrase or words not allowed. My question is do I need to create another test website and start all over? If so I just need to know so I can stay caught up still waiting to hear from support but please tell me this can be fixed.

    • Aidan says:

      No, just change the name of your FB page. If FB has an issue with your website domain, then yes, you’d need a new site…

  20. David Sipos says:


    i downloaded yourPDF and it is all black out

    • Aidan says:

      Hi David, I’m not really sure what you mean… maybe try downloading again using a different email and a different browser (like Chrome)

  21. Edward says:

    Aidan, 3 times I’ve clicked on the button to receive your “The Affiliate Marketing Cashflow Cheatsheet” and entered my email and name and I’ve yet to receive it. Please make sure your system is working properly. Thank you Edward

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Edward, you need to insert your email address after you click the button, once you’ve done that, it’ll be sent to you automatically.

  22. Paul says:

    In the example of the Jawbone UP4 above, what would be an example of a good domain name to buy for it. In the comments, you say you’d shy away from using the product name in the domain, so getting jawboneup4.com probably would get you in trademark trouble.

    But, what about something like jawboneup4review.com?

    Or what about something like, fitnesstrackerreview.com/jawboneup4 ?

    if you were to start one of these blogs specifically for this product, what domain name would you buy?

    Oh, and one more question. This article came out in 2016. Does this technique laid out in the jawbone example still work here in September 2018? Any tweaks you’d make to make it work now?

    Thanks much and good article,

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Paul, I’d definitely go with something like this: fitnesstrackerreview.com/jawboneup4

      I wouldn’t include the word jawbone in the domain name. I think in regards to your second question, what I’d do it use one of the blueprints shared on this page: https://www.aidanbooth.com/business-blueprints/
      – they’re the most up-to-date blueprints we have, covering the models which are working right now.

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