How We Built A $616,120/Year Business In 26 Days
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How We Built A $616,120/year Business In 26 Days


Hi, and welcome to the 1st of March monthly blog post on!

I’ve got some very exciting statistics for you today, as well as details about a revolutionary new system we’ve been using to really cash-in using a hybrid Facebook + Affiliate + eCommerce + CPA system over the past few months… let’s dive right into it!

Check out the screenshot below:


Above: We hit $1,688/day in 26 days on a BRAND NEW website (it still doesn’t average $1,688/day, but it will soon!)… that’s still on the rise, and even at that established run-rate, we’d make $616,120 per year in sales.


Above: Here’s another example, this website cruises along earning between $20 – $100 per day…



Above: The two screenshots above are from the same website. It’s earned over $12,000 since the 6th of November… it averages over $3,000/month in income.


Above: Here’s another website, this one is brand new, and has earned $714.69 in it’s first 5 days, an average of $142/day (which is $52,172 per year).

These screenshots are the results of a group of test websites we’ve been working on.

Needless to say, the results are quite astonishing.

A New Golden Age Is Here… (finally)

2005: It Was Easy.

When I started out online in 2005, making money online was easy. You could literally throw up a website, and people would come…

2007: Google Adwords Was Unbelievable…

By 2007 I had started generating money using Google Adwords (pay per click), and it was almost too good to be true.

We would send millions (literally millions) of visitors from Google ads to our websites, and we’d earn millions as a result. It was like printing money and it was a true ‘Golden Age’ of online marketing.

2009: Google Adwords Became Very Difficult, Pendulum Shifted To SEO

By 2009, the first ‘Golden Age’ of online advertising was over. Google started changing its advertising policies, it was a LOT more expensive to run paid ads, many types of ads were ‘red flagged’ and it was no longer profitable… this led us to focus on SEO.

From 2009 – 2011 SEO was a big deal.

We built elaborate systems designed to catapult websites to the very top of Google… I took it to the extreme and created over 1,000 websites that were selling Halloween costumes and Christmas toys. Top rankings in Google were easy. Life was good.

2011: Google Completely Changes The Ranking Algorithm… SEO Gets Harder.

But then on the 23rd of February 2011, Google rolled out the biggest major algorithm update in its history… it was called Google Panda. 12% of websites were affected. It was catastrophic for the SEO community, and a lot of people lost more than their rankings…

2012: SEO Becomes Virtually Impossible… Certainly Not Something You Can Bank On!

On April 24th 2012 Google rolled out another major update… in many ways even more infamous than Panda… it was called ‘Penguin’.

The Panda and Penguin algorithm changes were ultimately a good thing for the web, they cleared out a lot of the crap, but unfortunately a lot of innocent peoples websites got caught in the crossfire.

All these changes and all the uncertainty led us to develop Crowd Force, a revolutionary piece of software that allowed us to drive targeted traffic to our websites WITHOUT needing to rely on Paid Traffic or on SEO.

Furthermore, people started looking at Amazon and other non-Google traffic sources. Amazon presented Kindle as a popular monetization option initially, and later selling physical products on Amazon became popular. Both methods allowed marketers to tap into the Amazon ‘traffic ecosystem’, and not to rely on Google any more.

2013: Facebook Ads Start To Evolve & Graph Search Is Born.

Early in 2013, Facebook rolled out its ‘Graph Search’, the ability to search for pages and information inside of Facebook. Soon after this rollout, the advertising platform began to change…

Over the past 3 years Facebook has evolved from a mish-mash of advertising options, to the most sophisticated ad platform that ever existed, and it’s STILL improving.

2015 – 2016: Facebook Established As The BEST Paid Traffic Source

Today we spend tens of thousands on Facebook ads every single month, and we’re able to drive laser targeted traffic to our websites, squeeze pages, eCommerce stores, etc. The dramatic evolution of Facebook ads and the ability to reach your target audience, has FORCED the pendulum to swing again, and is leading us into a new Golden Age of internet marketing…

The Pendulum Swing

In the last 12 months, a dramatic shift has occurred.

And the screenshots I showed you at the beginning of this post are the results of that.

Not only has Facebook advertising matured, but eCommerce and Affiliate marketing have caught up as well.

New Twist On Some Old Traditions

In an extended brainstorming session recently to see how we could best leverage the evolution of Facebook, Steve and I made a list of what we LIKE most about different traditional systems such as:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • eCommerce
  • Adsense
  • CPA marketing
  • Kindle
  • And even analyzed Search Engine Marketing

Then we looked at how we could re-invent these by removing the things we do NOT like about them and coming up with some kind of a hybrid solution. Here’s a matrix that helps compare and contrast the different models:


The Things We HATE…

The biggest issues for us revolve around:

  • Scalability (you need to be able to scale income easily)
  • Speed (we want to be able to see quick financial results)
  • Unreliability
  • Unpredictability

The biggest issue with eCommerce is to do with cashflow and scalability. These are extremely limiting factors for most people. And when you’re ‘in’ on a product… you’re ALL IN. You don’t have any agility to quickly switch to another product if competitors fill up your niche.

Affiliate marketing has always been great… EXCEPT for paid traffic. Google doesn’t really like affiliate sites all that much, so Google PPC is out, and Facebook ads have never performed as well with affiliate sites (historically, they do now!) compared to eCommerce stores/products.

The only real issue with Kindle is the income ceiling. It’s kind of slow to ramp up, and you’d need a LOT of books to be making $10,000/month.

As for Adsense, we love the fact it’s so versatile and can be added to virtually any website, but it’s versatility makes it less predictable in terms of what you’ll actually earn. You don’t know with 100% certainty what your website will earn you.

The Things We LOVE…

In contrast to what we hate, the ideal online business models should be:

  • Very scaleable
  • Quick to start and see results
  • Very reliable
  • Very predictable

The PERFECT Hybrid System

With the advancements in Facebook’s advertising platform, and the evolution of modern day eCommerce and Affiliate Marketing, we’ve been able to create a very interesting ‘cocktail’ of the things we love, and monetize in a WIDE range of ways.

We can sell PHYSICAL products WITHOUT buying inventory (either with Dropshipping OR as an AFFILIATE)


Here (above) you can see how we were able to sell MINIONS (toys)… again, this is WITHOUT buying any inventory at all…

We can grow an Email List


Here you can see email list growth for one simply website since the beginning of the year. 240 emails isn’t much, but all these people are buyers of EXPENSIVE products… the value here of each subscriber is enormous!

Traffic Can EXPLODE…


Above: Traffic statistics for a brand new website… over 53,000 visitors in the last 7 days!

And we’re able to drill down to find the most lucrative groups of people…

Data Drill-Downs…


Facebook really is one of the keys, because it means you can advertise with precision and drive laser-targeted traffic to new websites in a matter of minutes (the screenshot above shows conversion data for one of our campaigns for different age brackets). This instant traffic source also allows you to begin to see sales in a matter of hours.

ZERO to $616,120/year in 26 Days

To put this SPEED in perspective, we’ve been able to achieve a ‘run rate’ of $616,120/year in just 26 days… and we’ve replicated this on over 20 different websites now, in a wide range of different niches.

Admittedly, this isn’t an average of $1,688/day from this ONE site yet, but we’ve been able to get predictable and profitable results on websites over and over and over again!


We can measure our conversion rate and ROI ‘on the fly’ without needing to wade through brain-numbing data sets.


Perhaps the very best thing of all, is the fact we can SEE if our system will work BEFORE we go “all in”.

What we’ve been able to do is develop a sophisticated ‘test bed’ that allows us to test the REAL profitability and see REAL return on investment metrics BEFORE we fully proceed with an idea.

This is a GAME CHANGER. 

No more “let’s throw mud at the wall and see what sticks”. We’ve developed a precise process that categorically eliminates risk of failure by systematically TESTING which products work, and which don’t.

If you’ve ever built a website only to find that it doesn’t make the money that you’d hoped for, then this solves that issue.

If you’ve ever launched a Kindle book only to find the results leave you feeling deflated and under-joyed, this solves that problem.

If you’ve ever launched a product on Amazon only to find sales volume is lower that you expect, and fees are higher, this solves that problem.

We know conversion data with exact precision and we can instantly see what works at step one in the process.

I can’t emphasize enough just how important this it… this it the reason we’re able to launch a new website and see $714.69 in it’s first 5 days (like in the screenshot below):


We’ve removed ‘luck’ (and BAD LUCK) from the equation altogether.

Unleashing Facebook

As I’ve eluded to already, Facebook has reached a level of sophistication that allows you to tap into and ENGAGE audiences unlike ever in the history of the internet.

We’ve been excelling at Facebook audience engagement and Facebook advertising for well over a year now. Our 100k Factory program was built around engaging audiences using Facebook, and the results we (and our students) have got have been staggering (with many people building audiences of over 100,000 targeted Facebook fans in a matter of weeks).

Facebook plays a key role blasting off and seeing lightning fast results. Everything we’ve learned about Facebook ads has reached some kind of tipping point, and we’re now, unlike ever before, able to completely dominate our competition and our marketplaces.

Ninja Facebook advertising methods allow us to quickly target the right groups of people and see conversions and sales in a matter of hours (and we can rapidly expand and tweak our ads with absolute EASE).

You don’t need a big budget to begin with. Even with just $2 to $3 per day, you can start driving traffic and seeing sales. As soon as you’re profitable, you can scale up to bigger daily budgets.

Easy Optimization = MAGIC COMBINATION

Optimization has been the thorn in the side of many marketers over the years…


Because traditionally it’s not easy.

Up until now, you’ve needed to be something of a NASA statistician to effectively find and scale winning campaigns. Thankfully, all that is OVER!

We’re also able to quickly test multiple ad designs, genders, age, ad text and MUCH more with just a few clicks.

And what this does is show us the EXACT group of people we need to be advertising to. It shows the MAGIC COMBINATION that results in the highest ROI possible (remember, we already know that the product is profitable, because we can use our ‘test bed’ to verify this BEFORE we begin!).

Check out the screenshot below:


If you look closely at these numbers, you can see how we’ve spent a total of $442.58 ($272.92 + $169.66), and made $1,804.90 ($799.75 + $1,005.15).

We can also see at a glance that although both ads (Mobile and Right Column) are profitable, the ‘Right Column’ placement is by far the MOST profitable.

Scaling Costs NOTHING

And scaling your business is also easier than ever because it costs you NOTHING to scale.

Unlike selling on Amazon (which we love BTW), you don’t need to buy inventory up front, so you really have NO financial hurdles when it comes to scaling.

And the websites we’re building are easy to replicate over and over again (but STILL remain high quality websites… not cookie cut low-grade websites), you don’t need to spend hours and hours and hours setting these things up…

Fast. Reliable. Predictable. Scaleable.

What I’ve been explaining in this post are the results of a system that is built around fusing together a mish-mash of the best parts of traditional business models, and eliminating the bad parts.

We’ve nailed down the key ingredients, two of which include:

  • Testing and KNOWING your profitability before going ‘all in’
  • Complete mastery of Facebook advertising


What we’ve discussed here SOUNDS perfect, but it’s not quite… at least not yet.

There are a couple of critical things that you need to get right:

  1. You NEED to find the right product or offer to sell or promote. 

Not all products and offers will work. We’ve pumped over 500 products/offers into our ‘machine’ now, and we’ve got a very good idea about the ideal offer characteristics, but the formula is still not 100% perfect… we’re working on getting this right.

SIDENOTE: Even if you do choose the ‘wrong’ offer, you have a safety net in the test-bed, the thing we use to test for profitability. No un-profitable product gets past step 1.

  1. Removing yourself from the business

We still haven’t perfected our systems to the point where we can easily remove ourselves from the business. If we wanted to simply disappear for a month, then things would slow down. We’re working on a way to fix this.

Where to from here?

Chances are that this blog post will leave you with more questions than answers.

We’re currently working on a case study that will piece all this together for you, but it’s still not quite ready (it will be soon though).

Once we have the final pieces of the puzzle ironed out, we’ll share more information (register using the link above). Stay tuned for an update from us with more details about this soon!

Questions / Comments?

If you’ve got a question or a comment, leave it below! I’d love to hear what you think (all questions and comments are read, and all are published).

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73 Comments so far:

  1. HI Says I’m already subscribed, please let me know how to get the report. Tx Su

  2. Pam Perry says:

    Congratulations on your hybrid system and forecasting ability. I really appreciated the internet history timeline.

  3. Wioleta says:

    How much will this new training cost and when we can start it! 🙂

  4. Lexie says:

    Totally stoked to see how this develops. Do you guys ever sleep?

  5. Larry says:

    You make it sound so easy, but finding a product and drop shipper that will make money is one of the hardest things I have ever tried following other online programs.

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Larry, you’re jumping to conclusions a little too quickly, it’s not traditional dropshipping, and it’s not JUST dropshipping! 🙂

  6. Nicholas says:

    This is quite amazing. You guys are doing some great stuff. I love it.

  7. Liam says:

    Good day to you all
    My nsme is Liam from Ireland
    Know nothing about Internet marketing !
    Don’t do Facebook !
    Need a new break in life , my job is killing me slowly
    My wife just diagnosed with cancer ,and 2 kids and a huge debt to feed ;(
    Where do I start ? How can I start?
    Or even can I start to make a living on line

    Please help

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Liam, I’m sorry to hear about your wife… you can absolutely start an online business. The best thing to do is to sign up for my free Passive Income Cheatsheet (on the homepage), that’ll give you a base you can expand on.

  8. Erica says:

    Very intriguing, I like what I’m hearing!

  9. Jack says:

    You guys never cease to amaze me, congratulations! The timeline is very useful.

  10. CJ says:

    Hi Aidan. What are you using for your Facebook ad tracking (in the screenshots in this post)? Thanks

    • Aidan says:

      Hi CJ, they are from AdExpresso which is a tool which helps quickly grow FB campaigns (not 100% needed!)

  11. John Seymore says:

    Was it the minions that you sold to reach $1688? And were they sold as an affiliate or did you buy them? Thats the part I’m confused on… looks awesome though whatever you’ve been doing.

    • Aidan says:

      Hi John, the minions are just one example of a product we’ve sold on one of our websites. The $1688/day screenshot is from a site which sells a range of offers. This method can leverage affiliate marketing OR a hybrid form of eCommerce.

  12. Thank you for the historical info., it helps me with the big picture. I’m grateful to be working with you guys and appreciate everything. It’s all very exciting!

  13. Sam says:

    Your module seems to rely on Facebook. What if I have problems with FB and my ads/account being rejected. Are there alternatives?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Sam, yes, there are alternatives, but they’re normally much slower, since the instant traffic is what makes this all happen so quickly..

  14. John Maillet says:

    Hello Aidan,

    I will be happy to learn more about this new “Facebook positioning” I feel that I have just finished my learning
    with 100K Factory coaching and I feel discourage about the fact that everything is going so quickly. I hope this new formula will combine the Knowledge that I got from White Label, Kindle, Adsense … Because at the end of the day, we can’t go in any direction and have success. If Facebook new formula is the Holy Graal of the scalable and efficient systems, Let’s go for it. But I try hard to manage all the knowledge that I have got from you and put those assets in perspective to optimize my company.


    • Aidan says:

      Hi John, thanks for you comment! This is more than just Facebook positioning… as I mentioned, Facebook is an important piece of the puzzle, but it goes far beyond Facebook as there are other important non-Facebook elements as well. As a 100k Factory member, you have a HUGE head-start, because much of your existing knowledge is transferable… it’s not like starting from zero 🙂

  15. arjan says:

    Hi Aiden,

    I am already subscribed, how can I retrieve the report?



  16. Scott says:

    Great article Aidan, looking forward to part 2. seems as if you are placing on ‘one’ website multiple advertising platforms that are related with the offer…. Dropship item/affiliate/CPA items and then diving traffic to the website targeting each of them?
    2) You were only collecting emails on buyers or……


    • Aidan says:

      Good guesses Scott 🙂 The short answer to your first question, is YES. We basically just see which offer works best for what the site is about etc. We then leverage targeted traffic. As for emails, you can DEFINITELY get buyer emails, but also just regular visitors. There’s a whole second layer of advanced retargeting as well, but that was too much to even mention in this blog post today 🙂

      • Scott says:

        Awesome Aidan. Thanks for quick reply.
        We’ll keep leveraging the info in the 100k factory with the websites and we are pushing hard to setup the White Label process too.

        Overall, we are not quite there in terms of success but what we have learned so far from you and Steve has been very valuable.

        We look forward to being one of your many success stories 🙂

        • Aidan says:

          Great stuff Scott, just keep working the system, you WILL get there as long as you don’t give up 🙂

          • Scott says:

            Nope, not in our vocabulary. 🙂
            We would be glad to work with you if you need a beta site to use as part of your research and success story. Being a 100k website that has good response and live for the past 7 months 🙂
            thanks again.

          • Aidan says:

            Thanks Scott, we’ll keep you in mind!

  17. Malcolm says:

    Hi Aidan,

    I tried to get the reports but the message said I was already subscribed. Could you send me the reports?


    • Aidan says:

      Hey Malcolm, I just added a new button on the blog post which you can use to pre-register for more info. Try reloading the page again, and then click that button.

  18. Wim says:

    What a great post. This makes it very clear what strategies we can follow to earn more money from our websites.
    Keep up the good work.

  19. brian says:

    looks interesting. Is this essentially the model of using Shopify with facebook ads and product sources using Aliexpress sellers for dropshipping so no inventory costs? That model definitely seems popular in last year.

    • Aidan says:

      Kind of, but not exactly. We work a lot of things into the equation. I’ve just added a button you can click where you can pre-register for more info.

  20. orrene smith says:

    I already am a member of the 100K Factory. Is this a partial duplication or expansion of that program or totally different.

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Orrene, it’s completely different, but your existing 100k Factory skill set would make it easier for sure.

  21. Joern says:

    Hey Aidan. 100k factory member here. I know your products are awesome so looking forward to this one. There are plenty of these Shopify/fb strategies out there… do you have a special “twist” to it? Cheers.

    • Aidan says:

      We have a VERY special few twists Joern… I’ve seen no-one doing what we’re doing (and Shopify is not necessarily part of the plan.. it can be, but we don’t normally use it for what we’re doing)!

  22. Mike says:

    I loved 100k and I’m sure I’ll love your new course!

  23. Darren says:


    I’ve been waiting for one of your courses to open back up since I’ve discovered you. Curious as to whether this is the 100k factory 2.0 for eCommerce? will this include some of the proprietary tools that you’ve mentioned on some of your other training’s for content curation etc..?

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Darren… we are not doing a relaunch of 100k Factory, but we do have something in the pipeline which DOES have proprietary tools, but more importantly, a very effective ‘code’! 🙂 More info coming soon

  24. Alvaro says:

    Me encantaría ver los consejos de Aidan en español algún día. Me apuntaría a sus cursos sin dudar.

    • Aidan says:

      Hola Alvaro, como estas? No tengo planes de lanzar un curso en español por ahora… tal vez en algun momento, pero no este año. Saludos!!

  25. John says:

    Sounds good, I just hope 100K members get a huge discount on the new product ?

  26. John says:

    How do you deal with customer complaints that come with the standard long shipping delays that seem to go with using Aliexpress ?

  27. Kim says:

    Thanks for doing that Aidan!

  28. Peter Garety says:

    Great stuff, Aidan!

    As someone who have seen the HYBRID system that Aidan is talking about, I can assure everyone here that it will become SUCCESS FACTORY this year!

    So don’t jump to conclusions or get distracted by doubts – stay tuned and follow Aidan & Steve, they know what they are talking about!


  29. John says:

    Sounds good !

    1- Can you give a rough idea on what each area generates as a % of total income ?
    Eg : ecommerce, CPA , affiliate & other ?

    2- Is the program about promoting 1 product per web site or multiple products per site ?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi John, to begin with, you’d likely focus on physical products as 100% of your income, unless you had some kind of unique situation where you have some other proven offer of some kind. For #2, multiple products/offers per site!

  30. Lu says:

    Is this product already in the members area of blueprint pro?

  31. Pamela says:

    Aidan, This all sounds pretty exciting, can’t wait to hear more. As both a Blueprint Pro and 100K Factory member, I know anything you and Steve put forward will be well worth the wait.

  32. Michael says:

    As always – great info – look forward to meeting you at MM2016!

  33. Daniel says:

    Sounds very interesting! Subscribed.
    Will test some of those tactics as well soon.

  34. Rob Cole says:

    Looking forward to jumping on this! It sounds awesome!

  35. Aric says:

    Sounds Exciting Aidan!!! I like how you have listed the Pros, Cons, Issues and Problems! Transparency at its finest!!! You Rock!

    When do you plan on releasing?

    Talk to you later!

  36. Marvin says:

    Hi Aidan

    I have had a look at your 100k Factory, I would like to find out, once registered, how soon will I get a website up and running from the time I register assuming this is on the 6 April 2016. Looking forward for your feedback, thanks Marvin

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