Updates from Aidan - Part 2
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The 7 Deadly Sins… In Your Marketing Toolbox!


There’s always been this tug of war between desire for something and the will to resist. As marketers, it is our job to tempt, to “reward yourself”. This month we go into great depth on the “7 Deadly Sins” and how you can use these to great effect in your marketing…

Life Lessons At 40


I’ve recently turned 40, and as I enter my 5th decade, I’ve had lots time to reflect on the first four decades of my life, to think about some of my best moments, some of biggest wins, my toughest losses and unexpected outcomes, and would like to share these with you…

July Update – Turning 40, Decoding Success


Welcome to the July update, where I have an episode roundup of my recent podcasts to help motivate you in your business. I go through life/work balance, thoughts as I turn FORTY, and introduce my “Decoding Success” series where I invite guests to talk about their success stories…

What Does ChatGPT Say About Digitial Marketing Trends in 2023?


Welcome to the June 2023 post! In the spirit of “everything is popping up A.I.” this year, I recently asked ChatGPT what the top trending marketing trends are right now. It’s a pretty interesting mix of spot-on predictions and trends…

Team Building, AI and Formula One Racing


As I write this I’m sitting in an airport lounge in Miami on my way back to Argentina. I’ve just wrapped up a few days of meetings with some of my team and partners, and enjoyed the Formula 1 racing. here are a few snapshots…

Watch Me Unlock A Virtual Goldmine In UNDER 20 Minutes


Hello, and welcome to the April update from Aidanbooth.com. This last month I’ve been super excited about ChatGPT and how to use it in online marketing. It’s a hugely powerful tool that lets you do pretty well anything you can think of. So I decided to give it a test drive to build an entirely new online business from scratch…

Catching Up With Business, Chat GPT & More (March 2023 Video Update)


Welcome to the March 2023 update! I’ve been travelling around for meetings with my various business partners and team members. I always find in-person meetings to be incredibly valuable. There’s just something about having a physical presence with like-minded members that you can’t get over a Zoom call. Watch the video here I talk about this, as well as Chat GPT, what I’ve been reading, The Growth Booth updates and more…

February 1 Update


Last month was super busy with promoting our new product, a fantastic course and twist on traditional CPA marketing. The doors are now closed, but I have a lot of great pointers and tips in my podcast, The Growth Booth, which has just celebrated it’s first year anniversary! Here are the latest offerings to help you grow your own lifestyle business…

12 Simple Secrets to Achieve Complete Financial Freedom (January 2023 Video Series)


Welcome to 2023! My business partner Steve and myself have also filmed 12 videos for you to celebrate the new year. The theme is on achieving complete financial freedom, and you can watch all the videos below.

Video: December 1st Update


And just like that, it’s the last month of the year! Welcome to the December update. It’s been a very busy month, with a business trip to Europe a couple weeks below, then a trip to Austin, Texas for a conference, and lots of family activities in between!

